Author's note/Introduction to this story

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I've been writing this story for a bit actually, and it's posted to my tumblr but I wanted to get it out there so I decided to put it here too. It's a cookie run fic abt Wildberry and Crunchy Chip cookie mainly. Probably some Dark Cacao and Pure Vanilla stuff eventually too (stay tuned). There are 5 chapters as of the time of writing this, but I don't think I'll post them all at once. Maybe one a week or every few days. After that I'll try to upload as much as possible. It's very slow moving as I have to worry abt school, my job, and my own mental health too. I do try to update when I can, but please understand if it is slow. They aren't the longest chapters either but quality over quantity and all that. With all that being said, I'll let you get right into the first chapter. Enjoy:) - Eddie

A small key for this story
Italic text out of parenthesis is thoughts or flashbacks/memories that the characters are having
Italic text inside of parenthesis is me talking/an authors note
This-> ───*.:*.:*.*.:*.:*. ─── marks the beginning and end of the chapter.
This-> ••• indicates a transition or a large jump in time

Thank you for reading.

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