Note:Explaining how the krakens work

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*Heads up: This is just what I think, and anyone can give me suggestions on what to add or get rid of.

Kraken are bigger cephalopods that are stronger and more durable than regular inklings and octolings.

When the kraken are young, they are only a little bit taller than a normal cephalopod. When they grow up, they start getting abnormally tall.

They fully grow up around the ages of 14-18, but they look like a slightly taller inkling/octoling when 13.

While growing, they do build up muscle, and can grow up to triple the normal inkling size.

Kraken are feared, and are endangered.

Kraken breeding policies are extremely tight, only allowing one kid per family, which is a reason for their endangerment.

Kraken have full control over all ten limbs, and can use them in their squid forms too.

Biological kraken and the Kraken special weapon are to entirely different things.

Kraken squid forms are bigger than the special weapon, and have more capabilities, but they aren't invincible.

Kraken have different limiters due to size that can shock the kraken if the kraken 'grow wild'

Kraken have fast metabolism's, which is a living pain due to them needing a lot of food due to their size.

Kraken are banned from using the kraken special.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 23, 2023 ⏰

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