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"Oh no I forgot my wallet!" Emory rushes in doors to get her wallet, sweating slightly due to the scorching sun she's met with as she steps outside.

She uses her handkerchief to lightly dab the sweat away, careful not to mess up her makeup as she makes her way into the car.

"Hey princess" came her husband's deep baritone voice, as it echoed through the speakers of the phone.

"You aren't back home~ and It's been two days already" she says pouting.

"Miss me?!" He teases her

"! Of course not! But your son has been asking for his daddy!" she tries to lie but ends up shuttering.

"Hmmm~ I'm pretty sure its the other way around. You miss daddy don't you baby girl?!" He asked with a playful smirk on his face.

"So what if I do, hmm? You're my husband after all aren't you?!" She says sassily.

"Yes I'm your husband, only yours and no one else's. Anyways your majesty, I've been summoned for an impromptu meeting with one of the investors, but I promise to come back home later today."

"Okay~ I'll prepare your favourite dish." She says in a small tone.

"Hmm~ If it's what I think it is, then I might just ditch the meeting and come home early" he says in a flirtatious tone.

"Oh you pervert!! Get your mind out of the gutter!" She says giggling as she shakes her head at her husband's silly remark.


She pulled up at her son's school, parking her car in front of the school's gate as she steps out and walks towards her son, who's already walking towards her direction.

"Hey honey!" She says with a huge smile on her face as she hugs her little boy tightly and kisses the top of his head.

"Mama~" The little boy whines embarrassed at his mom's PDA making her giggle lightly as she ruffles his hair.

"Baby what's this on your face?!" She asks with concern as she examines her son's face.

"Devonte smacked me and took my sweets" he said as he tried to prey his mom's hands off his face.

"And?!" She asked in an expectant tone as she gesture's him to continue.

"Well~ then I sucker-punched him in the face. You s..should have seen him, one of his eye's swollen shut." He said with a sinister smile on his cute face.

"Argh!! you spend too much time with your dad" she exclaims dramatically with a sigh.

"Tomorrow you're gonna apologize to devon and I'll make you cookies for both of you to share, understood?!" She says to her son who's now full on pouting.

"Yes momma" he says In a small voice.

"Good boy!" she praises him as she ruffles his hair once again, before they start heading towards the car.


"Hey little man" his father's voice resonated through the speakers.

"Dad!!!" The little boy exclaimed excitedly as he hears his dad's voice

"How are you doing champ?!" His father questions with the same excitement.

"Not fine~" he whines with a pout on his face as he side eyes his mom.

"What's wrong bubba?!" His dad asks with concern laced in his voice.

"Devonte took my sweets and mom wants me to give him cookies and apologize!" He complains dramatically to his dad.

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