Embers of a Shattered Soul

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In the depths of despair, where shadows reign,
A broken heart laments its woeful pain.
Within the chambers of a wounded soul,
The embers of sadness relentlessly roll.

Once, laughter danced upon this weary face,
But now, tears trace the lines of a hollowed space.
Love's sweet symphony, now a distant tune,
In the dim twilight, the heart finds no boon.

Memories, like ghostly echoes, arise,
A bittersweet torment that never dies.
In every whispered breeze and fleeting touch,
The heart finds solace, yet hurts so much.

Through sleepless nights and restless dreams,
The heart's shattered fragments, it redeems.
A mosaic of scars, woven deep and wide,
Each telling a tale of love's ill-fated stride.

The stars above, once beacons of hope,
Now mirror the darkness within, and elope.
A crescent moon hides its face in sorrow,
As love's illusion fades into the morrow.

Fragments of trust, once strong and pure,
Now lay scattered on the floor, insecure.
Betrayal's sting, a venomous thorn,
In the garden of love, where once roses were born.

Yet, amid the ruins, a glimmer remains,
A flicker of hope, despite the pains.
For in sadness lies a profound truth,
A journey of healing, rediscovering youth.

With courage as the guiding light,
The heart embarks on a lonely flight.
To mend its wounds, it seeks to understand,
The complexities of love's untamed land.

Chapter by chapter, the tale unfolds,
A narrative of love, brave and bold.
Through the darkness, the heart shall fight,
To reclaim the joy of love's pure light.

Whispers of the weary heart, they say,
Shall fade with time, like twilight's gray.
But in this chapter of sadness profound,
The heart finds strength, though it feels unbound.

Whispers of the Weary Heart: A Poetry of Sadness and Sorrow(Season 1)Where stories live. Discover now