Chapter 2

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(Author: I'm not introducing SVT again if you want introduction then go to Chapter 1 oh P.S they all share the same POV)

On the other side


Right now all of us are having breakfast with mom since dad has something important to do at his office.

"Mom why did dad have to leave early?"Chan asked he is the youngest in all of us

(Chan is 1 year older than Seungkwan)

"Well sweetie I also don't know this time. So are you boys ready to party tonight?"she asked excitedly

"Uh mom it's your anniversary party not ours" Jun said

"Haish I know but at this party there's a chance that you all will find a boyfriend" she said teasing us

"Mom seriously no funny business" Seongcheol said

"Please?"mom said giving her puppy eyes at us

"No"all of us said a the same time and excuse ourselves since we already finished eating.

3rd Person POV
After the boys left to their rooms Mrs Choi was sulking because her dear sons won't have a boyfriend.

So she came up with a great idea. Let's just say the boys got the silent treatment.

Mrs Choi went to the living room and start watching a movie called X-MEN. Then suddenly all of the boys came.

"Hey mom what are you watching?" Hansol ask

"..."she said nothing and kept a poker face

"Mom?"Joshua said blocking her view

"..."she didn't say anything and gone up to her room

When she got in she burst into laughter and said to herself "Now you boys can't say no This is the power of Guiltrip hahah" Then she lay down to take a nap

While the boys are still in the living room..

"OK so what are we gonna do now?" Jeonghan ask

Everyone looked at each other and sighs came out of their mouths

"I think we all know what we gotta do. Right?" Soonyoung said

And everyone nodded and went into their rooms

Time Skip

Mrs Choi woke up from her nap and it's almost time for the party. She got up and ready then when she went to the living room where her sons are waiting for her. She looked at them.

"Mom we need to talk" Jihoon said

"Ha! I knew it you guys couldn't see me sad ok let's talk" she said being back to the lovely mother the boys knew.

"OK tell us what do you want us to do mom?" Wonwoo ask

"Well I'm glad you ask. I want you all to meet your father's best Assassin also Secretary so please don't scare the poor boy away like you guys did with his other workers" she said

"But mom that's the only way to see if they are true great workers" Minghao said

"yeah we don't want scaredy cats in father's company" Mingyu said

"plus you guys tried to set us up with them" Seokmin said and all of them nodded

She gasped dramatically "ok that is true but that's because you all don't want to find yourselves a boyfriend and we have to take drastic measures" and she started ranting on why we need a boyfriend

"ok mom we get it and find we'll meet him"Seongcheol said

She clapped her hands and said "Great! Now go get ready and wait for me and your father at the party" she was about to leave as she heard a

"Wait where are you going mom?"Chan asked

"Oh your father is taking me somewhere. See you later boys" she said and went out

"Let's get ready guys" Jeonghan said and they all went upstairs to get ready and left to the party.

Mrs Choi POV
I'm in the car right now and was greeted by my lovely husband

"Hey honey"he said

"Hey, guess what? I got the boys to come" I said happily

"Great! Your going to love our future son in law" he chuckles

"By the way where are you taking me?" I asked

"Well you always told me that you wanna meet your and your sons ideal boy so I thought why not letting you meet him first. Take this as our anniversary present"he said and smiled


"Yes honey. We will be picking him as I was the one who ask him to ride with us. That will give you the time to get to know him" he said

"Thanks honey"I said

"Your welcome"he said

Suddenly the car stop

"Now let's wait for your son in-" he was cutted off by a cute and pretty boy opening the door and came in.

He saw both me and my husband and greeted us by bowing like a Prince. Oh my this boy is so me and my sons ideal boy. What a great choice my dear husband I said in my head

Good evening Mr and Mrs Choi" he said and bow

"Oh my honey you are right he is definitely their and my ideal type" I said excitedly

"Umm I'm sorry?" He said as he looked confused

"Oh it's nothing just my first time seeing you and you look fabulous by the way" I said

"Thanks Mrs Choi"He said gratefully and smiled.

After introducing himself to me. we started talking about some random stuff like I ask him can he cook? And he said yes something like that.

He can basically do everything a housewife could. Plus a bonus he can fight. I mean as expected he is The Best Assassin in the company. Well my dear husband you outdone yourself.

The conversation between me and him keeps going on until we reach the Mansion.

To be continued


Sorry if this is too short

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐀𝐬𝐬𝐚𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐧'𝐬 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐬 | Seungkwan CentricWhere stories live. Discover now