After the Jeungin's (Jeon+Jung+Min) mother married into the Kim family, life was supposed good. That is until the age law in Korea was passed and the shift in ages uncover a few hidden secrets.
Can Jungkook live the comfy life he wants?
But more im...
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It started with a gorgeous lady and handsome man, they met at a business related function and soon became friends
Both had children from other marriages that went south
They found comfort in each other and soon learnt what the true meaning of the word ‘love’ meant
The puppy love that blossomed soon became what could only be described as faith
And as they walked down the chapel halls together they decided to start anew. Create the life them and their children should have had from the beginning, happiness and each other was all they needed.
It’s been 7 years since the conjoinment of the two and their children
Life couldn’t be sweeter
~~~ Jungkook pov:
It’s the 7th year anniversary for my parents
My mom is happy with her husband And I’m happy with my dad :)
When mom got married, Mr Kim already had 4 children, 2 older boys and one set of twins
The Kim’s were originally in the states but after the twins reached a reasonable age they moved back to Korean and he met my mom
We, the Jeungin’s (Jeon+Jung+Min), had been living a nightmare up until 8 years ago. Our biological father was a manipulative, toxic, horrible person. He always found a way to guilt trip mom into staying with him, he found new ways to break her mind. It seemed that instead of trying to escape the situation, hyungs decided to try and protect me and mom from harm.
When I was 10 I witnessed my mothers breakdown and panic attacks once again. It was the last straw, I had enough, I packed everything valuable up in a suitcase and big bag. I knew they were going to fight, they always fought on fridays when dad went to the club after work.
The fight started like it always did and I ran, my hyungs and mom watched me as I ran through the streets of our neighborhood.
I left the bags outside a childhood friend's house and ran as fast as I could. I imagine the fear of losing me was strong as they ran after me, I basically lured them out of the house. 'Dad' stayed behind
The neighbors called the police when they heard screaming and saw two teenage boys and a woman running after a kid
My dad was arrested for embezzling money from my grandfather’s business and for accounts of assault
After a few months she met Mr Kim, they got married a year later.
There is 7 kids, 9 people in a total
My brothers, Hoseok and Yoongi, became the hyungs and dongsaengs of 4 other people. Jin, Namjoon, Taehyung and Jimin.
They learned to love them like their own brothers. They cherish each other.
You may be thinking: Jungkook, are you jealous or something?
Well… it's actually the opposite!
I love it. Taehyung and Jimin, the twins, are the youngest. Although we three are all 20, I’m about 4 months older than them. So the twins are basically the babies of our family.
The hyungs are very protective of them, making sure they eat, sleep and whatever else the case may be. But me on the other hand, I’m sort of like a side character in a movie
I went from being the center of attention in my family, the one that needed to be protected, to one of the hyungs!
I’m basically free, sometimes the hyungs (especially Yoongi and Hoseok hyung) have the urge to protect me (like they used to). But I’ve found ways to avoid it.
For instance:
•To avoid having my breakfast monitored: I leave the house early in the morning. Before my hyungs can even wake up.
•To avoid having them breathing down my neck regarding my studies: I spend most of my time in the library
•I do a few sports and extra activities to avoid them asking how my life is going
I feel so free that I even started to develop crushes on people without the fear of judgment or trying to be persuaded not to like them!
Sometimes the other hyungs even forget I live in the same house as them. I’m learning to enjoy my life
Life is like a dream, I feel like I’m in a movie. Free to be me
That dream was short lived tho-
Because what goes up must come down. And coming down would be my joy
Recently Korea passed a law, or should I say out ruled a law, the Korean age system was demolished and now we follow the international age system
So most people will be around 2 years younger. Which isn’t really an issue, if it wasn’t for the fact that the Kim’s are basically international
The Kim’s moved back to Korean when the twins were ten and they learned Korean and all its culture, however, they forgot one thing
The age system
Since the Kim’s were used to their international ages, they didn’t really bother to change it when moving back to Korea
The boys were introduced to us by their international age. Not their Korean age. So their age doesn’t change
Yoongi, who was originally the oldest, is now the second oldest
Where as Jin is now the oldest
It’s not like the way you were treated was solely based on age. But now the tasks are switched
Each person has a task based on their age. For example: The oldest needs to make sure everyone is home before their curfew Or Each child has a turn cooking for the day/certain meals based on their age order
Now that the ages have changed the tasks/chores do too
But I won't let it bother me! I've spent years turning my life around and was finally happy. I'm not letting this ruin my joy and hard work
I'll find a way to avoid it...get a job, fall, in love, move out after graduation, pay my parents back and finally die knowing I was happy in life. I will pursue those tasks
I just need a but of time, I'll graduate from university soon and will no longer be a burden to you all