Chapter 1.[meeting you]

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Hinata pov:

I was on the way home after a long day of practice,when I suddenly heard a noise coming from a bush.When i went to check it out,i saw a middle aged bunny.

"What are you doing here.?"

The bunny backed away.İt seemed like it was scared of me or just humans in general.

İ remembered that I had some snacks with me,i take a snack out of my bag and break it to crumbs to give it to the little bunny I saw.

"Here.You seem hungry!"

Y/n pov:

The human seemed trusting,I paddled over to get the crumbs he gave me.

He looked like a tangerine with his orange hair.And he had beautiful hazel eyes that were mesmerizing

I start to eat the crumbs which are delicious

He landed his hand to...carry me?
İ trusted the human so I hopped on his hand and right after I did that,he put me to the basket of his bike and started to ride to..i guess his home.

İ i have a home now..?



First off,hello! I'm a new user of Wattpad and I'm not a native speaker,so I'm sorry for any mistakes.This is my first ever story so i hope you enjoy it!And sorry again if it's too short for the first chapter :,)

Thanks for reading my book!!

the bunny girl (haikyuu x y/n)Where stories live. Discover now