chap2- wheels touch the ground

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It had been 3 hours since we had landed in Russia, and we were still in the airport. It took about 1 hour to leave the plane, now my mum wanted to go shopping for perfumes.

When I tell you I was TIRED. No, not tired. EXHAUSTED even .

I hadn't caught a blink of sleep on the flight there, and I began to really feel it. My eyelids were soo heavy I could just collapse right now.

"Okay mum, cmon. Let's leave now? Please?" I begged her with all my might. Finally she stopped browsing, and we made our way out of the airport where three of my uncles were waiting for us in a car.

"Привет!" (hello) one of them spoke with a strong Russian accent. "As-salamu alaykum" the others smiled.

I don't really like most of my uncles, they can be.. odd sometimes. Except Timur.

He's always really funny and comforting, honestly like a dad to me.

We all got in the car, and I sat between my mother and brother in the ride there. Whilst my dad sat in the front with one of my uncles.


Finally we were there.

"fuck. took long enough" I whispered to myself. "Что вы сказали?" (what did you say) My dad wondered as he unbuckled the seatbelt.

"Oh uh.. Ничего" I brushed it off. Seconds later, we all exited the car.

The house was beautiful.

Like, not even joking. Beautiful.

Back in London, we don't really have much there. Except in Russia we do. It's like most people with a home in a different country.

The currency is usually worth more than it would be in England. So we can afford much more.

We stepped into the house and I was met with all my favourite cousins that I hadn't seen in soo long!

Now that I was really thinking, maybe this wouldn't be so bad.

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