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|Suck me, fuck me, lick me all over then, get the fuck out|

   "wakey wakey guys!" A happy voice says. I groan loudly and roll over onto Duff's naked chest. "We're leaving today wake up" Another voice says. Duff snored softly. "Wake up Y/N!" Steven says shaking me. "Okay okay! I'm awake" I tell them "okay, well get up and get your stuff together" Izzy says. They leave the room but I didn't move or get up. With Duff I was so relaxed I didn't think of anything. Before I knew it Duff got out of bed. He opens the door "what?" He asks annoyed. "I thought you guys were getting up! We gotta go!" Izzy says. I whine and roll over. "Duff..." I whine but he doesn't come back to bed. Instead he shuts the door softly.

"Honey cakes we gotta get up" he says and I smile "honey cakes?" I giggle. "Yes get up stinker" he says pinching my thighs softly. I can hear the smile on his face so I reach my hands out to him. I pull him down to me so he's laying on me. "We gotta get up..." He says laughing softly. "I don't wanna.." I tell him, hugging him. "We can sleep more in the bus" He tells me. I groan and push him off me gently so I can get up. I slowly get out of bed and get my stuff together. Then, I get clean clothes and get ready. Because it was so bright out I put on my sunglasses before we left the room. When we get to the lobby I see everyone waiting for us. "Took you long enough" Axl says in a pissy tone. Before I could say anything Duff hushes me.

   I walk out to the bus and immediately went to me and Duff's bunk. I slide off my shoes and get comfy. Duff joins me after a few minutes and takes off my sunglasses. I pull him down to me and he slides his hands up and down my body slowly. Even if we haven't done it in a whole day it felt longer. "Duff..." I whisper and he hushes me. He takes off my shirt then, kisses my neck all the way down to my waist. Duff's hands tug at my shorts softly. I needed him so bad and the throbbing between was surely leaving a wet spot in my panties. Duff pulls my shorts off along with my lace panties. I put my hands in his hair. He kisses my clit then, licks from my slit back to my core. He sucks of my clit with just the right amount of pressure. His hand on my thigh comes down to my slit and he pushes a finger in.

He pushes in and out slowly then adds another finger. I try my best to hold my moans and whimpers in as Duff is making me feel good. He speeds his fingers up and I buck my hips. The knot in my stomach appears and is slowly being pulled tighter. The butterflies in my stomach flutter around here and there. Duff pushes his fingers faster and I quickly cover my mouth with a hand. I feel Duffs smirk on my skin while he somehow speeds up his tongue and his fingers with rhythm. The knot In my stomach is coming loose and I have to stay quiet. I squeeze Duff's head with my thighs unintentionally and I pull his hair. Duff pulls out his fingers then cleans up the 'mess' I made. I try to push him away due to me being sensitive.

  Duff kisses my clit softly then comes up to me. He kisses me lustfully and slides his tongue into my mouth. I taste myself on him, but he finds it hot. Duff guides my hand to the bulge in his pants. I cover my self with the blanket and palm Duff softly. I look up at his face. His eyes were half closed, his eyebrows were knitted together, and he was biting his lip. I start to unbutton his pants. Out of the blue, the curtain flew open to reveal Izzy. "Oh my god, not on the bus!" He says. I look at him with red cheeks and Duff smirks. Izzy's eyes flicker to the end of the bed were my shorts, shirt, and red lace panties were. Somehow, my cheeks get more red and I close the curtain.

  I quickly put on my panties and T shirt. "Well that was embarrassing" I say softly Duff shrugs then lustfully kisses me. His hands slide under my T shirt, threatening to take it off. I pull away from him but his lips attack my neck. "Duff..." I giggle softly He groans then pulls away. "Y/N...please.." He begs quietly. "Split it up!" Izzy tells us and I can hear him walking towards the bunk. Duff grabs my hand and leads it to the bulge in his pants. Izzy opens the curtain and looks at me. "I'm separating you two" He tells us then grabbing me. "Wait, I have no pants on!" I say, Izzy puts me over his shoulder and the T shirt slides up, revealing my red, lace panties. I hear whistles and I feel all eyes on me.

"Izzy put me down!" I sqeal. Then I feel a hand on my ass. "Hey!" I yell and roughly smack the hand away. Izzy puts me down on the couch and pats my head. Duff comes out of the bunk with his pants still unbuttoned. He sits next to me and lays on my thighs. He runs his hands up and down my boobs. I try to push them away but he doesn't stop. I look down to see him smirking at me so I pinch his cheeks softly. He sits up and looks away from me. "Ohh" Slash says "not again" Izzy groans. I get an idea so I slide closer to Duff and straddle him. Duff still doesn't look at me so I move around 'trying to get comfortable'. He looks at me with his mouth open slightly. He bucks his hips against mine.

"Okay that's enough" Izzy says getting up. I get off Duff and lay down with my legs a little open so Duff can see my panties. He slides his hands up and down my thighs then lays on top of me. He kisses my neck and bites me softly. I bring my hands to his hair and pull it. He lays his head on my boobs and he hugs me closely. I close my eyes and stoke his.....head slowly. (What were you thinking?) "My balls hurt" Steven says out of nowhere. "What?" I laugh and look over at him. He smacks his hand around his mouth quickly and with red cheeks he says "I thought you were asleep!" "You dumbass!" Slash laughs loudly. That woke Duff up "huh?" He groggily says. I look at Slash with my jaw dropped slightly.

"You woke him up!" I gasp. "Sorry" Slash says softly. "Aw come on honey cakes" I say smiling. Duff who's half asleep gets up and walks to our bunk like a zombie. He lays down and pulls me in his arms so I lay on his chest. He looks down at me and takes off my T shirt leaving me in my bra and panties. After awhile we both fall asleep with the quieter talking from the guys.

"WAKE UP DAMNIT!" A very loud voice says. "HOLY FUCK" I yell. "I swear to God I'm gonna kill you!" I say above a normal level. I get out of bed quickly and chase the red headed man. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry!" He apologizes while standing on a counter. "I hope the bus swerves and you fall fucking face first onto the floor" I tell Axl angrily. He gets down and slowly walks away from me not turning his back. When Axl got far enough I tackled him to the floor. I lifted my fist to punch him "What's going on?" Duff asks loudly. I punch Axl, who's trying to get me off him while everyone watches. I feel hands around my waist pulling me away. I turn my head and bite the man's arm but he keeps walking like nothing happened.

He put me in me and Duff's bunk and bent down so I could see his face. "Stay...and don't bite me like that unless we're in bed" He says the last part quietly then, left. I stayed in the bunk with anger and Duff brought me my purse. "She's like a damn Chihuahua" Axl said quietly. "Don't say that" Izzy said alarmingly. "Yeah I'm real sorry 'bout that" Duff says "I'm not!" I shout from the bunk while lighting one of my joints. I opened the curtain at the foot of the bed so the smoke didn't stay for too long. I got comfortable and I started to think about things I've done in the past. "Hey baby" a soft voice says. I look up and see Duff with a soft smile on his face.

  "Wanna get ready or put some clothes on?" He asks looking down at my body that was only in my bra and panties. I don't remember taking off my T shirt, but I ran around the bus like this. I don't even know how I didn't notice. "How long have I been almost naked?" I ask in a pissy tone. "Um since you went to sleep" Duff says in a higher pitched voice. "Hey it's okay because they've all seen those photos you took for me" he smirks. "C'mere" I say softly while opening my arms. Duff lays in my arms and hugs me. I wanted to say something dirty but I stayed quiet, enjoying the wholesome moment.

Shake Me (Duff Mckagan) 14 Chapters.Where stories live. Discover now