Chapter 1 - I would never have wanted a heart

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That was what Denki could best describe himself as.

Sitting on his bed, playing with the now cold pasta sitting in his bowl for him to eat, Denki was uncertain whether he was going on the right track.

It had been a month after the Kamino ward incident. The principal and the teachers had decided that the media and the press had been raining too hard on the students amidst the Number One hero's retirement, and so that the students would be given a month's break with minimal remedial classes per week before the continuation of the remainder of the term. But the twist was in the fact that they would be shifted for that one month into the dorms built in the U.A, as the teachers had decided that it would be a good bonding experience if all of them live together.

At first, Kaminari was all excited. Finally after four years of living alone, he could finally live with others and not go back everyday to the house that stung him with happy yet cruel memories. He took only the things for his dorm that were of sentimental values to him. Like the basketball, that he and his mama used to play with. Like the caps that his father would buy him every time he would get an outstanding grade in his final exams.

But the excitement was cut short on the first day itself. The air was still melancholic about the incidents that occurred the previous week, so Bakugou kind of used Kaminari and made him go into his 'Wee Mode' as he called it, where his brain gets fried off due to excessive electric output. Though it did lighten the mood and cracked up stomach hurting laughter for many people, Kaminari was not at all happy. He wasn't some joker for the class, so why was he targeted to be the center for everyone's laughs?

Another major thing that etched his mind was when all of his peers did a competition amongst themselves to determine whose room was set up the best, his was one of the most poorly received and to some extent berated one. Their words hurt Denki a lot, as every thing in there was worth a lot to him. Every thing in there was brought by the blood and sweat shed by his mother, by the sacrifices made by the woman who taught him everything she knew.

To him they were worth more than his life himself, and more than any friendship he could ever attain.

Still, there was some hope left in him. But soon he started discovering little by little, how little the class members respected him. Slowly and steadily, he was no longer called by his original names by the majority of the U.A.

All due to three people.

Bakugou, Mineta and the lady he loved, Jirou.

Each one had a specific name for him, which slowly and steadily spread across the whole school. To the point that even Present Mic and Midnight had cornered him once about it. But not for stopping of it, but for tips to woo Jirou and laugh to him about it.

Honestly what was he?

Was he not a human like them?

Did he not have feelings?

And thus started him getting bored, or rather uninterested in things. Small-small things actually. He no longer laughed at jokes made by his peers, never answering in class, skipping food sometimes, no longer giving his best in the last two training exercises that are held every week, stop replying in group conversations even when his name was mentioned, deleting all his social media accounts except the Line. His mind had already started wandering down the wrong direction, and it was not until three days ago that he relapsed into smoking again. He still was maintaining whatever thoughts he had for cutting, as it could lead to revealing of things he wanted desperately to forget.

Coming back to reality, he got up and threw the now cold contents of bowl into the trash can. He was about to trot into the bathroom for a wash, until his eyes landed upon the homework that Ectoplasm had given them around two weeks ago to complete before tomorrow, when the term would start again in full force.

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