I am a badass!

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Chapter 8


Jack's P.O.V

Fina-fucking-ly. I hate being tickled. Like, really fucking hate it. It's also my biggest weakness. After what felt like years of being tickled, Carver got called away by his sister. Bet she enjoyed my suffering. Bastards.

When Carver left the tent, Micah grabbed my hips and pulled me to his side. He leaned in closely and started breathing down my neck, it sent shivers of nervousness and something else, something I haven't felt before, down my spine.
"Take care of those two, or you'll have me to deal with." He husked. He let me go after I nodded about a thousand times. god I hope he doesn't see my blush.

I knelt down to pick up the tape measure when Micah patted me on the back, stopping me.
"It's alright mini-munch, I got your measurements." He said and walked off to find a shirt. Wait, how......did he just call me...oh that bastard is gonna' get it, I thought. Now my face was red for an entirely different reason.

"Don't call me mini, please." I grumped and stood up, crossing my arms and putting on my meanest scowl. he looked up, blinked once, twice, and started laughing.

"Oh spirits, you look like a kitten that just got it's toy stolen." Twat.

I growled and stomped over to where he was standing.

"Just give me a shirt please." He nodded and continued looking on the rack, still laughing. "And I'm not a kitten." I said, as sternly as possible, probably didn't sound like it. He laughed a little louder and shook his head.

"There it is." he said, with a hint of pride in his voice. He brought a black shirt off the rack and held it out for me to see. It was a black shirt with white stitching, with what looked like cherry blossom petals sewn on in silver, it also only had one sleeve. I guess my face said what I was thinking, because he brought out a black fingerless glove and possibly the other sleeve.
"It comes in parts?" I said with confusion practically dripping from my voice.

"Yeah." He nodded and handed me the pieces of fabric, giving me an expectant look. "Well put it on then." he sounded way to excited.

I slipped the soft, black shirt on, as well as the glove. Leaving only the extra sleeve thingy, but I don't quite know where it goes.

"Um....I'm gonna' sound really dumb saying this, but," I said, apprehensively holding up the left over fabric, "where does this part go?"

"Your right, you did sound dumb saying that." He chuckled and walked towards me, grabbing the black strip of cloth from my hand and opened it up. He grabbed my hand and shoved it into the open sleeve, pulling my arm through and stopped pulling when it reached a little above my elbow my elbow.

"Just put your thumb through this bit..." And I did, it was effectively a long glove. "There, I wouldn't worry about getting this mucked up, the kids out there know what this particular piece means to me, plus Vil might kill them if they do." He laughed. I had no doubt that the she-devil would kill them, but it might be for a different reason.

"Come on, grab your stuff and go catch up with the evil ones."


"Vil and Carver."

"Ohhh. Yeah okay, see ya'." 'The evil ones' yeah, that makes sense.

As soon as I left the tent, it got cold. I don't mind the cold, I'm actually quite resistant to it, but I wasn't wearing clothes that were suited for the cold. So my exposed skin was freezing. Thankfully I wasn't out there long. I caught sight of Villain and carver quick enough, I hope I don't get another cold.

The 'evil ones' were standing outside a huge tent, it looked like Nai'ita's tent, only instead of reds and gold's, it was green and silver.

"Vilain!" I called and ran over. "Hey, thanks for waiting." When I got in front of them, they both gave me a once over. Without trying to hide it. They weren't the only eyes felt on me, as I was leaving Micah's the whole settlement went quiet. Yup, these guys definitely know how to be subtle.

"Um, can we go in now?" I said, trying to hide my blush, if they ask I'll blame it on the cold.

"Yeah yeah, get your ass in there." Carver said as Vilain pushed us both in.

The inside of the tent was as grand as the outside, simple colors but arranged in a way that made it look like some French lord designed it. It was basically as fancy as Buckingham palace, but very simple at the same time. Wow, that makes me sound educated.

The inside was set up like Nai'ta's tent as well, large chest at the back, a table in the center, only this table had a chair by it. And this chair was filled with an elf in a majestic cloak and beautiful silver hair that flows like a river.

"Shaman." The elf in the chair moved their head in acknowledgement to Carvers entrance. When we closed the entrance to the tent, the elf removed its self from the chair and revealed his name.

"My name is Revara." He stated this to me in a calm and mellow voice. His posture was polite and tall, and he held his head up with pride, but I could feel a storm in his soul. Something big was troubling him; something that was probably caused by me. They say the eyes are the gateway to the soul, he was starring right into mine; he knew I wasn't from here. I don't know how he could tell, but he did. He didn't even have to say it, I just know that he knew. He looked at my body with increasing scrutiny, what else could find out about me without asking?

"I am Ja-"
"I know." He cut me off, his voice still calm and mellow. "I also know how you came to be here. Vilain had a rather amusing way of explaining it." He mused with a chuckle. oh.
"I bet she also told you what happened when I arrived."

He didn't answer that, he just sighed and turned towards he chest at the back of the tent.
"Did Nai'ita give you her tome?" He questioned. I nodded and pulled out the dark pine coloured book she gave me out of the leather satchel, my hand narrowly missed the scroll but I puled out my phone and headphones, causing them to fall to the floor.
"Bollocks." My cursing caused Revara to turn his head in confusion. "Sorry."

Vilain picked up my phone and took the tome out of my hand, replacing it with my phone. Scowling at me, she dropped it on the table.
"What about the Proving Parchment?"
"The what?" Both me, Vilain and Carver said all at the same time.
"It's a small scroll bound in red and silver string. She had the only one in existence."

I thought for a moment about what he was saying, then I fully remembered the scroll that Nai'ita gave me.
"Oh, I know what you mean now!" With my eureka moment I shoved my hand into the bag and started to feel around for it, but when I found it and grabbed it......something happened.

A blindingly bright light flashed as soon as my hand wrapped around it fully.

When the light faded all we could hear was our breathing.

"Your it!" Revara breathed. "You are the one."

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