12. Astronomy Tower

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It's been about a week since my falling from the sky. I'd say my leg is fully healed, just a bruise left in place.

I've had a lot of time to think. Everything is all about Theo. His sudden change in behavior towards me. I wonder if it's because of that night. That pisses me off because we agreed it was just meaningless.

We're all in the common room together.
"First Fall Party coming up." Pansy says squealing excitedly.
"We have a party every 2 weeks." I laugh.
"Yes, but nothing beats Falls."
"She says this every party." Draco laughs. We all laugh knowing it's true.

"We have our fall dance party soon." Blaise reminds us.
"That reminds me. What are we doing for that?" Pansy asks looking mostly at me.
"Shit, I genuinely just haven't had the time to think about it."
"Well, you have two weeks." Enzo says. I nod.

"The dance itself will probably be boring but once it's over and we're back here, it'll be great." Matteo says.
"That's doable." I mutter.

"Then we have the open houses halloween party at the end of the month." Theo reminds us.
"Do we still dress up for that?" I ask.
"Yes." Pansy says.
"Don't worry, you can just throw on some skimpy dress and add cat ears." Draco says mostly to her.
"You'd love to see me in one wouldn't you?" Pansy asks looking at Draco through her eyelashes. Draco scoffs and looks away.

I laugh softly.
"So Pans, who are we taking to the dance?" I ask. Pansy is natorus for preplanning who were going with. 
"Well, what happened to the Vincent guy?" She asks referring to Matteo's friend.
"That's not happening."
"If I see Emilia show up with a Ravenclaw, I'm spiking everyone's drinks." Theo says.

Pansy looks at me for a second.

"Well, I do know someone who's been dying to go with you." Pansy says.
"He's a seventh year. Terynx."
"I've never heard of him." I say.
"Merlin. He's tall, not super tall, but tall. He's like a medium blonde. A couple freckles. Brown eyes."
"No clue."
"I'll point him out later." She says. I nod. I don't want to go with him, but I'm not telling Pansy that right now.

Pansy goes around telling the guys girls who think they're hot. She gets to Theo.

"I heard Romilda Vane had a thing for you." She says. Theo smirks.
"Heard the same thing for Potter." He says.

I can feel my guy wrench. I don't want Theo going with Romilda Vane.

"Probably, but heard she thinks you're fit." Pansy says.
"I also heard she puts people under love spells." I say. Theo looks over at me. I can feel him looking.
"Whatever, she's not a good choice to begin with." Pansy says.

That night, I can't think while laying in bed. He's flooding my mind.

I silently curse myself while getting up. I sneak out of the common room and into the corridor. I just need to get away and think.

As I get to the Astronomy Tower I enjoy the silence around me.

I walk up and hear someone move. I freeze. If it were a teacher they would've come to me instead of hiding.
"Hello?" I call out.
"Emilia?" A voice I recognize to be Theo's says. l

"What are you doing here?" I ask moving closer to see him.
"Wanted to think. You?"
"What are you thinking about?" He asks moving closer to me.
"Nothing." I lie.

Theo and I are close. I can basically hear him breathing.

"I don't want you going with Romilda Vane." I say barely above a whisper. He reaches towards me to touch my face. I draw my breath at the touch.
"I don't want you going with Terynx or Greggers. Or any other idiot who looks at you a little too long." He says.

I close the space between us. His arms fall around my waist pulling me even closer.

There's a comfort in his arms, like I belong. But I don't. It's Theo. Me and Theo don't mesh.

I pull away to look at him. He looks at me carefully but his hands stay on my waist.

"Theo, what are we doing?" I ask.
"Uh, making out?"
"No. I know that. What are we doing?"

"This isn't right Theo. It's you and me." I whisper.
"Who decides that?" He asks.

I step away from him fully.
"Theo, we agreed that us fucking was nothing. Nothing doesn't mean us acting different. It doesn't mean you getting mad when someone else likes me. It doesn't mean us making out." I say.

He presses his lips against mine.
"I like being around you, okay? I don't like the idea of someone else feeling like this because of you. You have no idea what you do to me." He says into the kiss.
"Theo-." I mutter unsure what to say to that.

"Don't." He says. "Let us have this."
"Okay." I say smiling softly before pressing my lips against his.

His hands move across my body with ease. My hands go into his hair while I stand on my tippy toes just to be closer to him.

There's a footstep. Theo and I pull away to look over. The footsteps continue.

Theo grabs my arm dragging me behind the pillars. I look at him confused and slightly scared. He puts his hand on the back of my head pulling me into his chest. I stay there, enjoying being completely surrounded.

"Who's up here?" Filtchs voice asks. Obviously neither of us make a noise. "Hello?"

He mumbles a couple curse words as he leaves. Theo let's go of me and steps back. I smile trying not to laugh, he looks at me doing the same.

"That was close."
"Swear he almost catches me up here at least twice a month." Theo says. I smile.

"We should probably go back down." I say.
"Yeah. Come on."

Theo and I walk side by side all the way to the common room. We don't really speak, mostly just enjoy eachothers company.

We stop infront of the girls staircase.
"Goodnight, Theo." I say. He smiles before kissing me.
"Goodnight, Emilia." He says stepping away not breaking eyecontact with me.

I go up to the dorm and fall into my bed.

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