To Starting Over

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Taco nervously adjusted her tie as she waited by the hotel doors. Today was the day she would finally take Mic out on a dinner-date to talk about their broken friendship, and to apologize for what she did. Anxiety nested in the pits of her stomach as she heard the talking level amp up in the hotel, and she quickly looked down, afraid to make eye contact with Mic after so long. A bunch of "ooh"s and "ahh"s sounded from the doors, muffled by the barrier. Then the doors opened, and Taco couldn't help but glance up at Mic. And she was glad she did.
Mic was dressed in a casual black dress, a compliment to her brown skin, her dark curly hair up in a royal bun. She wore a string of pearls around her neck and a ring on her ring finger with a little black jewel on it. Taco couldn't help but stare; she looked stunning with the sunset lighting splashing onto her features. She felt a bit underdressed, as she was in a simple dark gray suit with her blonde hair in a crumpled ponytail.
Mic smiled nervously and waved, her smile breaking when Taco didn't respond. Taco realized she was staring and quickly snapped out of it, her eyes darting to the ground as she waved back. She laughed, a nervous giggle, and walked up to her. She looked up and smiled at Mic.
"Heh. Long time no see, huh?" she murmured, a noticable tremor in her voice. She extended her hand. Mic nodded and took it, giving it a good shake before letting go. "Yeah. How's uh... sleeping in the woods?"
Taco couldn't help but smile. "Better than you'd imagine. Shall we go?"
Mic rolled her eyes at Taco's oh-so-formal request and smiled back. "Yeah, let's go! Where are we eating?"
Taco walked over to the taxi and opened the door for Mic, but Knife called her back.
"Mic, wait! C'mere," he called, shooting a suspicious glare at Taco. Taco shifted uncomfortably as Mic rolled her eyes once again and walked over to Knife.
"Be careful," he muttered quietly, again glancing at Taco. She waved at them awkwardly.
Mic shook her head. "One, it's free dinner. And two, I honestly think she's sorry. I don't think she'd hurt me."
"Like you didn't think she'd hurt Fan and Test Tube?" Knife sighed and briefly hugged Mic. "Call if anything happens. I'll be by my phone all night."
Mic nodded and smiled at him before waving and heading back to the car. Taco once again opened the door and gestured Mic inside. Mic smiled and thanked her before slipping into the farthest back seat.
Taco entered after and sat in the middle by Mic. The ride there was quiet, an awkward silence as they didn't know what to talk about. Taco figured she'd wait to talk about what she did until they got to the restaurant.
Taco was daydreaming about the usual, romance, when Mic's voice broke her out of the trance. "So, how's life treating you lately?"
She made a "so-so" gesture with her hand. "I built a small cabin near where we used to dine and have meetings. A good spot indeed. And you?" she added, glancing at Mic.
Mic laughed and mocked the movement Taco made with her hand. "Yeah, not much has been going on at the hotel. It's been boring. Honestly, hearing from you has been the most interesting thing to- no, wait. Test Tube and Lightbulb were found making out in their room a couple days ago, so.. eh!"
Taco laughed and rolled her eyes. "That's pretty tough to beat in terms of entertaining, hm?"
"I just didn't take those two to be.. that friendly with each other," Mic said, amusement creeping into her tone.
"I'll give you that one, yes. But a dinner with me is bound to be much more interesting, right?" She raised one eyebrow when she saw Mic become flustered. She always had natural flirting skills, and she couldn't deny that she found Mic rather attractive.
"Uh! Yeah, man! T-Totally!"
Mic may or may not have thought the same about her.
Their conversation was interrupted by the monotone voice of the driver. "You're here," they said, exhaustion lacing their voice. "That'll be $15."
Mic reached for her pocket, but Taco put her hand on hers and shook her head. "I've got it."
Taco handed over the $15 and they entered the restaurant, newfound anxiety making Mic's hands sweat. Taco tried to see over the counter, getting on her tip-toes to see the receptionist. The bored looking employee said, "Is she old enough to dine here? Couples only."
"I'll have you know I'm-" Taco started to say, but Mic cut her off.
"Oh, we're together! I can tell you she's old enough. Is there a reservation under the name "Taco"?"
The employee looked on his computer and nodded. "8:00?"
"Yes," Taco muttered angrily. The employee pointed to a table of two in the corner. Regaining her composure, Taco dramatically offered her hand and Mic rolled her eyes before taking it. They walked to the table and Taco pulled a chair out for her, gesturing for her to sit. Mic did so. Taco pushed her chair in and got to her own.
"So, I-" Taco began, but was interrupted by a waitress.
"Welcome to Goiky's Garden, can I get you started off with some drinks?" she said, smiling at the two with that classic waiter grin.
"Oh, um, yeah! We'll have.. a bottle of fine red wine, please!" Taco said, smiling at the waiter.
She still remembers my favorite wine? Mic thought, a small blush creeping up her cheeks.
The waiter sat two menus down and smiled before walking off.
Taco cleared her throat and began to speak. "Uh, Mic, the reason I asked you to dinner..."
Mic nodded. "Yup, I know. Talk to me."
"I'm truly sorry. I didn't mean for you to.. for things to get tangled up, like this. I was changing, but I guess some of my old light still shone through, huh?" She laughed, a hollow, empty one. "I-... I know it's not an excuse."
"You're right," Mic said. "It's not. But you're not making it one. That's what counts, Taco. And I'm proud of you for realizing you were in the wrong and saying sorry instead of just spouting off excuses. Not a lot of people can do that."
Taco felt a tear come to her eye and wiped it away. "I'd understand if you need some time to think it over."
"Y'know what?" Mic said. "You're honestly alright in my book. And we can work on the others later. Maybe even Pickle will forgive you!"
Taco laughed. "I hope so!"
Mic laughed with her and fell silent. The waitress came back with the red wine in hand and sat it on the table. "There you are! I'll be back for your order in a minute. Anything else you ladies need?"
Taco smiled and shook her head, and the waiter walked off. Once Taco had poured the glasses, Mic raised hers.
"To starting over? Or should I say redo, or do-over? Which is more formal?"
Taco laughed and rolled her eyes before clinking glasses with Mic.

"To starting over."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 25, 2023 ⏰

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