v. kyoto killjoy

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"what the hell has gotten into you??"

"what the hell has gotten into you??"

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"(y/n)! have you decided yet?"

YOU look up at yano speaking to you whilst in the middle of packing up to leave for the end of the school day.

"decided... what again?" you reply.

"you forgot? the group you'll be in for the kyoto trip next week!" she joyously says, showing you multiple tourist magazines of the city in her hands.

with the drastic location change from the classroom to the bustling city of the kansai region, karasuma had warned the class that the 3 day and 2 night trip to kyoto was just as pivotal to work on the assassination than ever.

"once you've decided, tell your results to the class representatives — either isogai or myself." kataoka says to you.

speaking of yūma, i should ask him to group up! you thought. you felt a sense of giddiness at the thought of him after your encounter at his workplace and spent the whole journey home arguing with yourself on whether or not it was silly to ask in the first place.

shouldn't he just come to me if he wants me in his group? i don't want to put him on the spot to say yes.. you thought. but i can't just expect him to read my mind, and there goes my chance to spend time with him and i will never forgive myself for not trying... you instantly rebutted.

alright, i should stop. i'm just making up scenarios in my head again: one thing your inner monologues were finally able to agree on.

you figured it was the logical choice to group up with karma based on his track record and the semi-success your joint assassination attempt had, but you were too hung up on yūma to consider if his abilities were even up to par with karma's. your mind had been made up.


the next day came and seeing a few groups for the trip slowly assemble in front of you in the classroom put more pressure upon you. you spent the previous night psyching yourself up whilst scribbling mental note, after mental note, after mental note on how to properly articulate to yūma that you want to spend the rest of your life with him — you mean — in kyoto.

as you finally built the courage to even turn to look in his direction, you begin to practically charge at him like a horse being whipped to make haste in battle.


"oh me, right?"

you suddenly felt a force latch itself onto your wrist and drag you to the side, the culprit being someone you didn't even need to take a wild guess as to being.

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⏰ Last updated: May 23, 2024 ⏰

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