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HEY guys I'm so sry I haven't been writing chapters Ive been rlly busy with stuff and don't worry ill try my best to update you guys, if you could rlly just give me time and yes I see ur comments asking for new chapters am trying my best and if you guys can be patient with me!<33

HEY guys I'm so sry I haven't been writing chapters Ive been rlly busy with stuff and don't worry ill try my best to update you guys, if you could rlly just give me time and yes I see ur comments asking for new chapters am trying my best and if yo...

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I started to move around but I had a massive head ache, I couldnt tell if it was from crying or just my regular random head aches

I looked around me to notice I was only, I swear he was with me earlier, but of course he wasn't gonna stay, nobody every does

I want down stairs to see what I could make myself

I notice Vincent in the kitchen drinking orange juice

"Greta left you some pancakes" he said pointing to the plate

Greta was one of the maids she really is an angel

I smile while going to grab the plate and a fork

"I just wanted to thank you for yesterday, am sorry you had to hear all that" I said while playing around with the food

He looked down at my plate and said "Eat"

"Am not really hungry right now" I said while sighing

"I don't care eat it" he said while texting someone

I rolled my eyes and started cutting the pancakes

am not gonna eat it.

"Were going to your parents house tomorrow for a dinner your father invited us too" he said while still on his phone

"I don't wanna go, am not feeling well" I said trying to get my way out of it

"You don't have an option were going if you like it or not" he said starting to get up from his chair

"My opinion matters to not just yours!"  I say while I looking at him

"Get you stop complaining for 5 fucking secs god" he says while putting his cup in the sink

"Where are you going you can't leave me here alone" I say looking confused

"None of your fucking business" he says while walking out  the door

his an asshole why would I think he changed

6 hours passed by and it was 8:58 right now

I was on the couch all day watching The Vampire Diaries my favorite show

That was until I heard a bang coming form the door

who tf

I went to see from the window to see who's crazy ass was banging the door that fucking hard


It was the Russians they have been looking for me and trying to steal my spot as the heir

I ran upstairs to my room went to my closet, and opened the secret cabinet hidden between my clothes

I grab my knifes and hide it on my thighs, and my guns

I grab my high heels so my feet don't get blood on it and it matches my cute dress

I walk slowly down the stairs and hide behind the couch

Then I hear one more hard bang and footsteps

I shoot Vincent a quick text

Me: Where tf are you

which he soon replies with

Hot asshole: None of ur business I'll be home in an hour

I don't fucking need him I killed the whole Japanese mafia under a week of hunting them down

I missed finally beating peoples asses

I heard a footstep get closer, that's when I got up and shot one of them

I heard bullets fly towards me, and I crouched down and shot where the 3 men where one to the head, the other in the heart and the last one In the thigh

I got up and looked around the house

When I felt someone kick my back ankle

Mother fucker

I groaned trying to get up but got another punch to my face

Great that's gonna leave a bruise

I kicked my leg at his face got up quickly when he fell to the ground, and kicked him in the balls

"You will never be able to steal my spot" I said while coughing a bit of blood

To make things quicker I grabbed my gun and shot him in thigh which caused his blood to splatter all over me

I walked around the house and I notice I ran out of bullets, I grabbed my knife from may thigh and looked behind me. When I notice another one coming with a gun. I grabbed him by the arm and twisted it then kicked him in the balls, which made him groan but I guess not enough to make him fall to the ground

I punched him in the face kneed him 3 times until he finally fell to the ground

I grabbed my knife and grabbed his arm and I carved "r.d" for red queen the name the press had given me for having over 300+ kills

I grabbed his gun and went back to the living room and began shooting more men as they came in, I walked closer to them threw the gun, and starting using my fist after they all dropped their guns

Kicking one to the head, hitting them in the balls with my heels, and then carving on their arms

As I was trying to carve one of their arms I felt a shooting pain go to my leg, I turned around and notice one still moving and standing

"Just give up at this point" I say to him knowing I'll beat his ass in a matter of 2 seconds

I kick the gun out of his hand with my foot, and he hits me in the check with his fist

Fucking asshole

"You bitch" I say while grabbing his arm twisting it and kneeing him in the head and kicking him none stop until he falls to the ground

I grab the gun next to me and shot him right at the head

"have fun in hell" while dropping the gun

Thats when I notice my dear husband standing at the door

"What the fuck happened" he said looking around

"Revenge happened" I said while smiling

No one would be able to take my spot in the mafia, because I was

Natasha fucking Perez

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