Chapter One: New Opportunities

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[ Hi hello this is my first fanfic, so don't expect any top tier writing or anything. This takes place around Pablo Honey era, so expect blonde Thom. Jonny would be 22-23 at the time, so I'd consider y/n to be around that age, though it's up to your preference. This is just a silly y/n x Jonny fic, I hope you enjoy! <33 ]


University isn't all what you'd expected, it's far more boring than your parents had made it out to be. They had dragged on about job opportunities and the importance of a good education throughout several unnecessary lectures. Soon, you found their pestering unbearable enough to pick a school you found suitable.
While your parents weren't wrong about the whole university thing, they weren't exactly on the same page as you either. Originally, you had planned to attend a school orientated around the arts, as photography was a huge passion of yours and it was what you saw yourself doing as a career.
To your dismay, mom and dad both agreed it wasn't a sound job and would most likely only hold your attention for a few years before becoming just another phase of yours. Luckily, they had agreed you could have a part time job as a photographer as long as you took university seriously.
So now you sit, scrawling pointless notes to a never-ending lecture, constantly eyeing the clock to see if it will go any faster.

"Class dismissed..!" The professor called out from her desk as she frantically packed her bag in an attempt to beat the foot traffic that followed. Eagerly, you push your chair back and stand up, slinging your backpack over your shoulder. Making your way outside, you pick up your pace, far too excited to finally go to work.


You work at a quaint photography shop near your hometown, usually it only gets the occasional family photoshoot, but today is different. Before you can fully make your way to your workspace, Stephen, the shop's owner, stops you in your tracks.
"Y/n!! I'm so so glad you're here, I desperately need your help!!" The speed of his voice catches you off guard at first, and it takes you a few moments to register what he'd said.
"Woah! Calm down, is there a problem?" You question him, your face dawning a worried expression.
"Look, there's just this huge opportunity coming up, and I'm afraid I can't do it", you try to hide the impending excitement on your face, maybe this is finally an opportunity to show your parents you don't need university. Stephen continues, ignoring your expression.
"I can't leave my family for such a long period of time, and I know you have school an-"
"I'll do it!" You blurt out, not allowing Stephen to finish.
"...huh..?" He gives you a look, you can tell he thinks you're joking.
"I'll do it, I'll take the job", this time you speak with a far more serious tone, you want Stephen to know you have zero doubts whatsoever.
"I appreciate the enthusiasm y/n, but this job isn't going to be like our usual appointments", you lean forward, eating up every word Stephen is uttering, just bubbling with anticipation.
"It's not just one photoshoot, it's several, across an entire three month tour." Your excitement falls flat as the reality of the situation hits you. Your parents would never allow it.
"Stephen, you have no idea how much I would love to do this... its just, strict parents", Stephen can read the disappointment all over your face despite your attempt to hide it.
"If parents are the issue, I don't mind trying to convince them. Besides, you're an adult, you can make your own decisions!" Stephen gives you a small smile as he speaks, hoping to lighten the mood.
Part of you wants to believe your parents may finally take your aspirations seriously, but the other part of you is set on the impending disappointment.
"Here, just let me try at least", Stephen offers as he makes his way over to the shop's phone.


The phone clicks into place as Stephen hangs up the call. Attentively, you turn your head towards him, expecting a disappointed sigh or a frustrated growl. Fortunately, the opposite happens, Stephen greats you with a warm smile. "You've got the job!!" Your mouth hangs open in utter astonishment, how could he have possibly convinced them??
"I can't thank you enough!" you say as you run towards Stephen, engulfing him in a hug.
"I know, I know", Stephen returns the hug and pats your back a few times before pushing away.
"I haven't even told you the best part!" He continues, striking your curiosity once again. "You're not just touring with some photography company, you're touring with a band!" Stephen holds up some excited jazz-hands, hoping you'll find this opportunity as intriguing as he does. You struggle to find the words to all of the questions you have, luckily Stephen sees this and answers the questions for you.
"The band is Radiohead an-"
"Radiohead?!? Like... the Radiohead..?" You watch as Stephen gives you a reassuring nod, confirming your suspicions. Stephen continues to explain the trip and how it'll work, you are practically bursting at the seams with excitement and it's quite difficult to keep up with his instructions. But alas, all of the information sticks in your head and the two of you finish your work hours. You can't wait to pack!!


Within the two weeks before you meet the band for the first time, you check in with your parents, take a leave from university, pack your necessities, and mentally prepare yourself. The whole situation truly seems unreal, you have to pinch yourself a few times to check. The wait feels long, thrilling and scary, but the day comes that you no longer have to wait, and as unprepared as you may feel, you are ready.

Both of your parents come to drop you off at the airport, where you are to meet the rest of the crew and hopefully the band itself. As you sit in the back of your parents car, you can't help but shake with anticipation,
"You excited?" Dad asks as he glances in the rearview mirror.
"Uh-huh", you respond, not entirely paying attention. The car comes to a halt in the parking lot and you say your goodbyes, sure you'll call your family every so often, but you won't see them for months.

The walk through the airport seems lengthy considering your luggage. Despite your parents' offering to help carry it, you declined, not wanting the crew's first impression of you to be needy. Plus, you're capable of carrying a few bags on your own. You check the note Stephen had given you prior and find that you'll meet everyone at terminal 12, so that's where you head. A few minutes pass and you're approaching a group of people surrounded by luggage of all sorts of musical and video equipment. This must be them.
"You wouldn't happen to be part of the Radiohead tour, would you?" You ask awkwardly to one of the presumed tour crew.
"That would be us! You must be y/n l/n, its a pleasure to have you on set!" The chipper man extends his hand for you to shake, which you excitedly return.
"Thank you so much for this opportunity, I'm truly grateful", you respond, still somewhat at a loss for words. The man introduces himself as Michael, the tour director. Michael continues to show you the rest of the tour's crew, addressing their respective roles and names. Most of your coworkers seem exhausted from waking early, so you decide not to converse too much. There seems to be a significant amount of time before the flight, so you begin to page through a book you've brought along.

The crowd amongst you suddenly seems to lighten up a bit, though you are far too immersed in your reading to really notice.
"What book is that? If you don't mind me asking", the sudden speaking piques your interest and you turn your head slightly to see who had asked. A tall boy leans on your seat from behind, his dark hair obstructing the majority of his face.
"Hm?", you question, not truly sure as to what he had asked previously.
"The book", he repeats
"what's it about?" Nervously, you fold the page you're at down by the corner and close the book so he can see the cover.
"It's about photography", you explain, despite the fact the title gave that information away already.
"You a photographer?" He asks, not noticing the various camera-shaped luggage piled at your feet.
"Mhm." Your eyes retreat to the book and you begin to thumb through it, expecting the boy to lose interest. To your surprise he stays, reading the book over your shoulder.
"I have that one", he says suddenly, pointing at a photo of a camera in your book.
"Though I really wish I had more, just haven't had much time for photography since the band took off." Your body freezes from the sudden realization that you were not in fact speaking to a random crew member. Swiftly, you glance up from your book and spot the blonde hair of the lead singer amongst the previously somber crowd. Shit.
"I'm so sorry, I had no idea you were you!" You hold your breath slightly as he dawns a confused expression.
"Oh! There's no need for any formalities, I'm just glad to see someone else interested in photography." His politeness is extremely contagious and you find yourself awkwardly leaning on your seat to offer your hand.
"Y/n", you say, a grin replacing your once worried expression. The male takes your hand and returns the gesture,
"Jonny. I'm very much looking forward to working with you", as he smiles back, you can't help but get butterflies. The airport intercom sounds and informs everyone that your flight is now boarding, Jonny says it was nice meeting you and waves goodbye as he rushes to catch up with his bandmates.

Just as Jonny reaches the threshold, he glances back at you, struggling not to smile before turning around and entering the plane.

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