Chapter Six: Alone Together

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Over a week had passed and you had fallen into the tour's schedule fairly easily. Calls back home to your parents were frequent, but you still didn't tell them about Jonny. Only because you weren't sure how you felt about him, or rather, how he felt about you. You were almost certain you liked him, there was no part of him you didn't like. But you couldn't tell if he reciprocated that feeling. You'd hoped this perpetual back and forth would be stopped soon since you didn't know how much longer you could wait.

Tonight was special, you'd get to attend an after-party and not have to watch the band exhaust themselves with interviews. You were nervous since this would be your first real party. Sure, you'd been to 'parties' in high school, but you didn't count them, they were more like get-togethers.
As you finished packing up your cameras, Thom approached you, his new hair extensions swinging wildly as he walked. He thought they made him look like a rockstar, you thought they just looked silly.
"Are you going to this party thing?", Thom asked, leaning over to meet your gaze.
"Do I strike you as a partygoer?", you question, picking up your last bag and swinging it over your shoulder.
"Not particularly," He admitted, offering his hand to help you stand up. "But you never fail to surprise me!" Thom adds as you take his hand.
"This will be my first real party actually", you respond with a hint of nerves in your voice.
"Wow! You've never been to a party?"
"So I do strike you as a partygoer!!"
"I just find it peculiar that you've never been to a party." You start walking towards the exit doors, Thom follows shortly behind.
"We can't all be partying rockstars, can we?" a smile spreads across your face as you speak, the blonde rolls his eyes.


The music is loud and the people are louder. As much as the party is exciting, you don't feel like you fit in. Immediately when your friends stepped inside, they were swept away by various fans, leaving you on your own. Awkwardly, you walked around the rooms, hoping to find a familiar face or someone who looked easy enough to talk to. Your search was halted when someone bumped into you.
"Oh shit, sorry didn't see you there", the man said, turning around to face you.
"You're fine, don't worry about it", you replied, just wanting to get out of the situation.
"No way! You're the camera girl, right? The one backstage," he calls out, causing a few heads to turn. You're taken aback, confused as to why he would remember you.
"Yeah, I'm the tour photographer."
"That's crazy, my friends and I couldn't get over how hot you were." The man is obviously not sober, he keeps making exaggerated motions while he speaks.
"Sorry?", you squint your eyes as you respond, attempting to subtly show him how disgusted you were by his comment.
"My friends and I think you're craaaazy hot", at this point, it's clear he didn't take your signal.
"I'm gonna go," you say, turning to leave. Luckily, the man doesn't mind this and you're able to make an escape without causing a scene.
You find yourself outside, standing next to a couple making out against the wall. Not wanting to interfere, you walk past them and out into the yard, taking a seat in the grass.

You heard footsteps approaching you from behind, the figure was tall, but the darkness obscured your view of their face.
"Mind if I sit?", the figure asked, plopping down in the grass beside you. You were relieved to recognize the voice as Jonny's.
"Not enjoying yourself?" he questioned, turning to face you. You shake your head in response, keeping your gaze on the ground.
"I don't think I'm much of a party person."
"It's alright, I'm not either." A silence falls over you both, you lay down in the grass, watching the stars above. Jonny notices and lays down too.
"The stars are especially bright tonight," you say, angling your head so it's closer to his, luckily he doesn't seem to mind. Your eyes follow Jonny's hand as he points it toward the sky.
"I can always find the big dipper, but I've never been able to find the smaller one." He admits. You scoot even closer toward him and point upward,
"It's right there, at the handle."
"Where?", you place your hand around his and drift it towards Ursa-minor.
"There.", you let your hand slide off of Jonny's, he lowers his arm too. Another prolonged silence falls between the two of you.
"I have something I want to show you," Jonny says as he sits up.
"What's that?"
"You'll see." He smiles and extends his hand, you take it.
Curiosity gets the better of you as he holds your hand, leading you throughout the house. You both exchange laughter as he pulls you in and out of hallways and eventually up the stairs.

You end up at a random door on the second floor of the house. Jonny makes a motion for you to wait as he sticks his head inside the room, making sure the coast is clear. Without warning, he pulls you inside, all you see is a plain bedroom. He leads you further into the room, that's when you notice the record player on the dresser. Jonny lets go of your hand as he crouches on the floor, threading his fingers through a box of records on the floor. Suddenly, he stops and pulls out a record, it's jazz.
"You have to listen to this, it's one of my favorites," Jonny says as he pulls the vinyl out of its cover, placing it on the turntable.
"Looks like I don't have a choice," you joke.
"Exactly, I said you had to." Jonny spins around and places a pair of headphones on your ears. He then turns back and moves the needle toward his favorite track and drops it.
As you listen, the soft melody causes you to nod your head to the beat. The song begins to pick up and so do you, your body moves along with the music and you start to dance. Not quite remembering that Jonny can't hear the music too, you grab his arms and force him to dance with you. You close your eyes and fall deeper into the music, twirling around as if nobody's watching. Suddenly, the music begins to fade, and you can feel the headphones slide off your ears. Your eyes flutter open and you see Jonny, who holds your face between his palms, gently stroking your cheek. He pulls your face towards his and your lips touch. Slowly, you kiss him back, savoring the moment before he pulls away. He seems taken aback at his own action, quickly removing his hands from your face.
"I'm so sorry", he musters out.
"Don't be," you respond, stepping towards him and wrapping your arms around his neck. Your arms shake slightly with anticipation as you pull him in for another kiss. Jonny takes his hands and wraps them around your waist, pulling you even closer.
Eventually, you pull away and look up at him, admiring every beautiful aspect of his face. Jonny speaks before you can,
"You are the most beautiful, brilliant girl I have ever known." He says before planting a kiss on your forehead. You rest your head against his chest, listening to his heartbeat.
"I like you too much," you say, nestling your head under his chin. He holds you close.
"Me too."

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Daydreaming [Jonny Greenwood x Fem Reader]Where stories live. Discover now