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I walked up to the car she was sitting in and knocked on the window hard enough to put a crack in it, but it didn't sadly.

She got out with a huge smile on her face.

"P'Phayu! It's been so long!" She said

"What do you want?" I asked calmly.

"What? I can't come see my son's?" She asked and clicked her tongue.

"No. You don't have any. You gave them up when you left them at the hospital without a second glance." I said calmly.

"Ugh! It was a mistake!" She said and walked closer to me.

"If you don't let me see them, I'll call the police!" She screamed in my face and slapped me in the chest.

It wasn't hard.

Weak bitch.

Rain and Koa are so much stronger.

"Go ahead!! Because what you don't know, what nobody knows, is that I took them into custody!! I have all the adoption papers in my closet! So please call them!!" I yelled and she really pulled her phone out.

I knew she was telling some bullshit when she started fake crying.

After about ten minutes, a single cop car pulled up.

One officer got out and went to my mom.

"Ma'am what's the problem?" He asked.

"Oh officer!! Thank God you're here!! He's kidnapping my son's!!" She said and looked at me.

"Sir. I am their legal guardian. Would you like to see the paperwork?" I asked him.

"Yes please. But I'll have to follow you." He said and I nodded.

I walked up the stairs and knocked on my door.

"I told him to lock the door because he doesn't know that's his birth giver, I adoptd them because she left them at the hospital." I explained.

Rain opened the door and was wearing nothing but sweatpants.

"Baby. Go to Koa's room and lock the door." I said and kissed his cheek.

"Okay." He mumbled and walked to his room and locked the door.

"Where's the other son?" He asked as I was digging the paperwork out.

"Koa? He's at school right now. If this takes long, I can have Rain go get him. In fact what time is it officer?" I asked as I am digging through my closet.

"A quarter til 4" he said and I stopped.

"Hold on one second." I said and walked to Koa's room

"Baby? Open the door please " I said and the cop was standing behind me.

He opened the door and stepped out.

"Can you go get Koa for me?? And take him to the park or something. Keep your phone on and I'll let you know when they're gone. And WHATEVER you do, DONT talk to the woman outside. She is a bad woman." I said and he nodded.

He stepped into our room to grab a shirt and keys before he pecked my lips and left.

I dug back into the closet and found the adoption papers.

"Here you go." I said and handed it to him.

"Okay. I'll need to take this with me to my car to run the numbers and make sure they're legit. But other than that, I'll get her out of her with a warning. All of this she said, I can get a restraining order on her so that she cant come on the property or near you or the boys." He said and I nodded amd shook his hand.

We walked out of the house and he went to his car.

"Why can't I see my son's!?" She demanded from the officer.

"Because they aren't legally yours." He declared and walked back to me.

He handed me the papers and shook my hand again.

"Ma'am. I'm going to let you off with a warning now. A restraining order is going to be held against you and will be served to you as soon as it is finalized. But as a warning, don't come anywhere near P'Phayu,Rain, or Koa, and if you come near the house, there will be dier consequences.
Understood?" He said

"Yes officer." She muttered quietly and got in her car and pulled off.

Something didn't feel right.

I feel like she'll be back.

"Thank you officer." I said and waved as he pulled off.

I pulled out my phone and called Rain.

"Hey baby! You can come home now and I'll explain everything." I said

"Okay! We're on our way." He said and I hung up.

This is going to be hell to explain.

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