Chapter 4. Family conflict

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3rd pov

Poco brought Emz home from the first date, and Emz wanted to introduce him to her uncle Mortis, her dad Frank and her Aunt Audi.

Emz: "Uncle Mortis! Aunt Audi!"

Audi: "Hey there Emz, who's that guy there?"

Emz: "This is my boyfriend Poco!"

Mortis: "Boyfriend? Your her boyfriend?"

Audi: "Mortis! Don't be rude! That's nice sweete, me and Mortis need to talk in private for a second if that's ok with you and your boyfriend."

Emz: "It's fine aunt Audi, you can talk to Mortis in private."

Mortis and Audi go to talk in the kitchen leaving the couch for Poco and Emz.

When they were talking:

Audi: "Why were you being rude to Poco?"

Mortis: "Cause I don't want to lose our niece!"

Audi: "Lose our niece? Mortis we won't lose our niece."

Mortis: "But what if she doesn't want to hang out with us anymore?!"

Audi: "Mortis, she's a teen, just let her have some fun. For me, please?"

Mortis: "Who am I kidding, there probably deep in love by now, it breaks my heart knowing Emz has found a actual boyfriend."

Audi: "Come on Mortis please?"

Mortis: "Ok, but if anything goes wrong Emz will have to call one of us."

Audi: "Done deal."


Audi: "Ok Emz, if anything goes wrong call ether me or Mortis ok?"

Emz: "Ok Aunt Audi."

She makes me loco. (A Poco x Emz story)Where stories live. Discover now