• Tae-rella •

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TITLE : Tae-rella

✨💜✨:  Taehyung / Tae

GENRE or TYPE : Fairytale Reimagined, Romance, Comedy, AU
- fluff
- (sorta) forbidden love
- takes place back in the old days of carriages and all that jazz


SUMMARY (at the moment) / BLURB :

"Excuse me, miss?"

"Yes?" She said, out of breath from running across the ballroom floor.

The man stared at her for a second.

She really wished he would hurry up and finish his sentence already. She needed to make her escape before the prince showed up.

"You dropped something."

"What are you talking about?" She asked. She looked around her, checking to make sure she still had her glass heels attached to her feet.

"I think you've got the wrong person," she tells him. She's about to turn away when he catches her attention. Something small and shiny dangles from between his fingers.

"Then, this isn't your earring?" he asks innocently, holding up a dainty glass heart shaped earring.


Where the farmer met the princess and they lived happily ever after.

Loosely based off of Cinderella

Pt. 2 of my 방탄 (bangtan) fairytale series


STATUS : maybe in progress

- a little bit of cowherd & weaver girl, Cinderella

INSPIRATION: - a little bit of cowherd & weaver girl, Cinderella

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