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8. Teru


They're in the Student Council Room. Akane's long given up on thinking about how he feels, the idea of actually confessing being thrown to the wind.


Teru's smile is plastered on, and Akane finds himself hating it- he's seen Teru smile genuinely, in comparison, this one looks pathetic.

Akane sighs, raising an eyebrow. "So?"

"I never got to ask, but what happened between you and Akane-san?" The question is an invitation- and Akane takes it.

"We talked. I realized stuff, she realized stuff- and we realized that if we did ever love each other, it's not like that now."

Teru looks interested. "Really?"

"I'm not going to recount the whole thing for you," Akane snorts. "That would take too long. We have work to do."

And Teru gently shoves his stack of papers to the side. "They don't need to be submitted for a week. We can afford an afternoon of talking."

It's always like this. Teru decides they must talk, Akane frowns and says they should work, and then Akane gets tied up before he eventually relents.

Akane places his pen down. "You'll scold me later if I don't finish this, and I don't want that."

That same, mocking puppy eyed expression creeps onto Teru's expression. "Aoi-"

"Promise me you won't get mad, and then I'll talk."

An offer.

"And what if I just ask Akane-san directly?" Teru challenges.

Akane seems confident. "She won't tell you."

There's a moment of silence, before Teru sighs dramatically. "Fine~ I promise."

"Thank you. Now-"

The exorcist looks eager to hear the story, leaning forward and paying close attention to Akane's every word. And at the end of the story, Teru hums.

That quiet hush of trust has fallen over them again, and for a moment, Akane contemplates confessing.

"I don't love her anymore. I think I've been in and out of love with her, but now I feel nothing but... platonic feelings."

Teru stays silent for a moment. "I... I wish I could do that."

The clock keeper doesn't dignify Teru with a response, instead casting his gaze over at him, a silent question.

"I'm in love with this boy. He... he sees me as who I am, and I hate it."

Akane can feel his heart sink- but also light up with traitorous hope. "Why?"

"Because it's so much easier, when they don't treat me like a person. I can detach myself from everyone, and it's easier to live like that- but at the same time, he's so warm. He's a breath of fresh air, and it hurts but I love it-"

Teru chokes. "I love him."

Akane is quiet, when Teru laughs out his next words.

"I love him, but he hates me."

Akane's not stupid- he silently connects the dots, while nodding and encouraging Teru to share what he wants.

"I want to stop loving him, because it'd be so much simpler. It hurts, knowing I won't ever- I won't ever get to love him. He hates my guts, he knows who I truly am, and it's so ironic that the one person I want is out of my reach."

Offering a hand to the older boy, Akane tries his best to sound encouraging. "You don't know that."

Teru looks miserable. "You don't know that."

"No, I think I do."

The president glances up at him, and Akane sighs. He hasn't always been the best at comforting people, but then again- when have Teru and Akane tried being comforting?

"I think... it doesn't matter."


Teru looks shocked, and Akane snorts. "If they do truly know you, like you said, then your personality cancels it out. You-"

It goes quiet for a moment.

"You only act annoying around people you trust because you know you can. They wouldn't want to change that for the world, I know it."

Teru sits up, a twinkle of mirth mixed with an undeniable sadness. "I'm not going to be a rebound."

"I know you won't, good thing too. Since you aren't."

"I, theoretically, deserve much better than you."

Akane leans back in his chair. "No one's stopping you from picking someone else."

"You and I both know I don't want too."

The clock keeper looks the exorcist in the eyes. "Then say it."

Slumping forward, Teru sighs. "I can't."

"What?" Akane says, huffing in annoyance. "Do you want me to say it?"

"Maybe I do, Aoi~"

And they're back here.


On a beautiful day, it's the end of Teru's second school year at Kamome and his time to start his third.

Similarly, Akane's first year ended, and now he's starting his second.

"Are you ready?"

Teru smiles sadly. "No."

"Then I'll keep waiting until you are."


They're together in the student council room- Teru's still president, and Akane is still his vice.

"Are you ready?"


Akane hums, sipping his coffee. "Okay, then I'll be waiting."


They've graduated, made plans to go to the same school.

"Are you ready?"


"I'll be waiting."


Years later, the Minamoto Estate is empty except for two people in particular. A Teru Minamoto, and-

"It took you forever to be ready."

The exorcist chuckles. "Can't I look nice for my boyfriend?"

"It shouldn't take you years to be ready, Teru." Akane frowns. "And also, the outing with your siblings was not what I was referring to, and you know it. Pet names won't distract me."

"Sure they won't."

Teru gives himself one final lookover, before offering a hand to Akane.

"Are you ready?"

Akane snorts, and grabs it. "Of course I am."

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