The Trip

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*Y/N POV:*

*I'm sitting on my bed,texting my best friend Tommy;we have been friends for 4-5 years,when all of the sudden,my older brother,Wilbur calls me into his room*

*I tell Tommy I have to go,then I go into Will's room*
*Wilbur's POV:*

*I call Y/N into my room to tell her about the meet-up that me,George,dream and Tommy had been planning for a few months*

"So,Y/N,I'm going to a meet-up in Florida and mum and dad said that you could come if you wanted to,so,do you wanna come?"

*I ask her,I wait in anticipation for her answer*

*She instantly nods,she looks really excited*

"Oh,and Tommy can't come,he's busy"

*As soon as I see her smile drop,I feel kinda sad for her,but I knew that as soon as she found out the surprised,she would be really happy*

*Little did Y/N know,Tommy was gonna surprise her when we get there,but I don't tell her*
*Y/N POV:*

*My smile fades as I hear that Tommy isn't coming,but I still agree to go,though I would've preferred Tommy to come as well,I can still have fun*
Sorry for the short chapter,but I promise the next few will be longer :)

*Words Used:233*

~Airplane lovers~ Tommy X Y/NWhere stories live. Discover now