Chapter One - Ellis Past

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Hey guys!

Welcome to my first story. Many more chapters will follow. 

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Even though it shall be one of these days, when everything changes – when nothing would be the same as it used to be – the morning started like every other.

She had to function – had to force herself to get up out of bed every morning once again.

Even when the reflection in the mirror felt way too awful for her.

Considering her age of 38 years she had a beautifully feminine body, wonderful black wavy hair, and a charming smile – but still she couldn't always bear the sudden glimpses she sometimes got of herself.

And this was not the fault of her hair, which had decided to take on some strands of age especially early and exceptionally often craved some hair-dye.

Her job, in an advertising agency, was her only motivation to get her body – partly covered with scalds – to the bathroom every day anew.

Despite all the mental and physical discomfort, she prepared herself for her workday.

The job offer used to come like a gift sent from heaven. So unexpectedly - so unbelievably fitting for her needs that she had to accept. For a long time, she couldn't believe that she got that chance. So, she left her old town and moved to Canada.

There, she moved into a little cottage, which turned into an important hideaway for her. This personal sanctuary turned thanks to her flabbergasting love into a beautiful home with a densely grown garden.

Flower beds with unique white flowers garnished her front yard. She adored those most, since it used to be her mother's favourite ones.

Elli loved these plants and was inexplicably drawn to them.

From time to time, she ornamented her flower beds with newly made acquisitions, if they shone in the colour white. She could not explain the attachment to this colour, but she was magically attracted to it.

Around that plot of land, she had put a green fence which reminded her of the image of a hidden fairytale castle.

A house which provided a hideaway to help her conquer her daily life and aide her to process her past.

The white windows with light grey window shutter, the wooden door, which she painted herself and – not to forget – the sweet neighbourhood - she loved the vicinity at suburban Ontario.

After driving for some time, she reached the parking lot of her company, which is surrounded by tall trees. In fall when they lose their leaves it transforms it into a beautiful scenery with a colourful blanket which brings honour to the name of Indian Summer.

Ellie especially loved this sight.

Right now at the surrounding meadows there can be spotted some plants trying to break their heads through the ground. Spring already announced itself.

In the inside of her working place – a huge colourful complex with tall windows – which could be reached through an imposing driveway –was furnished modern-styled with high glass-walls. You also get rewarded with an amazing view over Ontario, and when the weather's promising, even up to Toronto, since the premises is situated on a hill at the suburban.

Elli liked most of her colleagues very well. Well – as a matter of fact – almost everyone.

A very importunate colleague, Rick Sanders, 42 years old, has been unpleasant from the very beginning. He always tried touching her occasionally or tried to involve her in unpleasant conversations, from which Ellie had to change the topic laboriously – in which she's become very good at.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 25, 2023 ⏰

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