In the forest

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Note: Don't mind me just sharing the cover of the story here so you all can look at it better 😊
I did it a little while ago, but I still love it a lot! This fic will also, maybe, I'm not sure yet, be based on this illustration as well

Mom Emma with her children🥰

Note (from ao3): New story! Again!

I was inspired by a fic called "Before we turn to stone" by kate7h on ao3 and like I was sad that it wasn't over and hadn't been updated in years, and since I was inspired by it, I said, why not like continue it but in my own way?

And this fic was born! So far I really like it so I hope you'll enjoy it too!

Emma fell on her knees as she tripped over a root. Norman stopped in his track to run back to her side. They've been running for hours and both were extremely tired, but they couldn't stop, not yet. They were exhausted.

They had managed to lose their pursuers for now, but it was just a question of time until they catch up to them. Especially since they were slowed down by this.

« Emma, we- we need to continue- they're going to catch up so-soon. »

They were both panting and could barely talk. Emma raised her head to look at Norman.

« I-I know- but I- I can't anymore. »

Norman kneeled by her side and took her in his arms. He felt her wrap her arms around him as tight as she could. They tried to calm their breathing down.

They started hearing loud footsteps coming their way after a moment. Both looking towards the noise, Norman felt Emma's breathing accelerate. They forced themselves to get up despite their aching legs and started running again.

Running was all they've been doing since they escaped this place. When they heard the slashing sound, they both turned around. None of them noticed the roots, making them trip over it. Norman managed to grab Emma and to protect her from the fall.

The next thing he knew, a sharp pain at the back of his head and everything going black.


When he woke up, Norman was in a dark place. He took a look around to see a little bell, a candle and a cup full of water by his side. Someone had put a blanket on him.

« Oh! You're finally awake! She's going to be so happy! »

He whiped his head to look at the unknown figure. The person, who was clearly a woman, was small and had a cloak hiding her figure.

« Come, follow me. I'll bring you to her and diner his ready. You must be hungry. »

Norman followed her in silence. He took the time to analyze the strange woman. His eyes stopped on her feet that came out of under her cloak. His eyes widened but he didn't say anything as his mind started asking questions.

Where were they exactly? Were they underground? Well, of course they were but, why? Who was that woman- demon? What did she wants from them? Emma. Was Emma alright? Is she safe and sound? What did this woma- demon meant by diner is ready??

« We're here. »

The woman's voice broke him out of his thoughts as they entered what looked like a room. As he raised his gaze that was staring at the ground, Norman got crushed by someone as arms wrapped around him. It took him a moment, but his mind ended up registering who it was. The wild ginger hair tied in a messy bun was the only thing he could see. He wrapped his arms around her.

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