I found you

144 4 11

Emma has been staring at the ceiling of her room for hours now. She knows she should be resting but, she just can't. Everything is too fresh in her mind it hurt.

Her arms still hurts. She still can barely feel anything in her hands. And that numbness she's been feeling since that day had come back to haunt her even more stronger than before.

Since her first day in the facility, she's been crying herself to sleep nonstop. She wished she had just decided to join Ray and Norman instead.

Emma doesn't want to become a mom or a sister just to give birth to her child and be separated from them right after. If she was to have a child, she doesn't want them to grow in that corrupted world.

She decided, once she becomes a mom and get assigned to a farm, she'll just leave the area. She knows what it means of course. Of course she knows. That's exactly why she wanted to leave it.

Like that she'll join them and she'll finally be happy.


She's been wandering mindlessly in the hallways of the facility. The other trainees all hated her. She couldn't blame them, she too hated herself. If she was them, she too would hate herself. She can't bring herself to care about that tho. She wouldn't be surprised if one of them tries to kill her one day.

The first few days and few weeks were really hard for her. Emma only got accustomed to her new routine a few years later.

And still, even after a few years, she was still feeling the same.

She was currently wandering around the hallways of the facility. She wasn't really paying attention to where she was going when she suddenly bumped into someone, making them let go of everything they were holding.

« I'm so sorry! I'm sorry, I wasn't looking where I was going. »

Emma kneeled down at the same time as the person as they started picking up the stuff that had fallen to the ground. Judging by the piles of different files and all, that person was most probably a part of the scientist. She froze when she heard his voice as she slowly raised her head to see if she was imagining stuff again.

« No, no! It's alright! I wasn't looking where I was going either. So we're both at fault here, don't worry. »

Not hearing anything from the young woman, the young man raised his head to lock eyes in two familiar emeralds. Those emeralds were staring back at him, eyes wide open as tears were starting to form in them. His own eyes widened as well as he whispered.

« Emma? »

Hearing her name being said by him made Emma tear up. How many years as it been since the last time she's seen him? Seven years? Ten? She doesn't remember for sure anymore. Was it still her imagination playing tricks on her again? She sure hopes not.

Emma slowly and carefully extended her hand toward him until her fingers were brushing his cheek.

« Norman... »

Like to see if he really was real, Emma cupped his face with both of her hands. Norman let out a chuckle as he took her hands in his.

« Emma... »

Emma couldn't contain it anymore. She bursted into tears as she launched herself on him, threatening him to lose his balance. Norman caught her just in time, right before they could both fall, as he wrapped his arms around her.

The two stayed hugging in the middle of the hallway. They were lucky no one ever passed in here and that they were in a blind spot of the cameras.

« Emma... what are you doing here? »

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