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soleil and mason planned to hang out , mason initiated it but they were gonna chill at soleils house.

originally , maddy was supposed to come too but she had to cancel last minute.

soleil and mason still decided to hang out , they're close so it wouldn't be that awkward.

she wore a basic tight black long sleeve with denim jeans.

she just let her hair out , flipping it slightly to the side.

she applied her lip gloss then got a text from mason saying he's here.

she opened the door for mason , they greeted eachother and hugged.

"cmon let's sit in the living room" she said as he followed behind her to the living room.

they sat next to eachother on the couch , "soo how are you?" mason asked , smiling.

"i'm gooddd how are you?" she smiled back , "i'm great , you and miguel good?" he asked.

"yes.. we're not back together! everyone keeps asking me that but we just sorted shit out and we're just friends , i actually like it that way" she informed.

"ohhh , got you " he nodded , "what about gianna?".

"it's a long story , they're not dating he doesn't like her but ethan and scott made him try to include her in our group" she explained.

"that makes much more sense, miguel hated her and called her a homewrecker , dudes just too nice he compliments everyone" mason shook his head laughing at the end.

"..yeah" soleil chuckles, "sooo what about you?? any girls you like? you know if it's one of my friends i can hit you up" she wiggled her eyebrows causing him to laugh.

"nope definitely not one of your friends" he grinned , looking in her eyes.

she nodded slowly , "okay , thames ".

"HAHAHAHA I WONNN" soleil jumped up and down after she finished a long game of monopoly with mason.

"UGHHH SHUT UP" he groaned.

soleil was very competitive when it came to board games , everyone got kinda used to it though.

"in your face" she said , hitting his nose with her finger.

he scrunched up his nose , her chest felt a bit heavy because that was something miguel always did.

"uh mase if u want we can go up to my room , i kept the snacks there " she suggests , he nodded agreeing as they got up and went upstairs to her room.

they chilled on her bed as they laughed about stupid things eating gummies and popcorn.

they were laughing their heads off before they were cut off by soleils phone ringing.

incoming facetime from "miguelito🕺"

"should i answer?" she turned to mason as his head rested on her beds headboard.

"yeah , why not? if u wanna its fine with me" mason smiles.

soleil accepts the call , seeing the corners of miguel's mouth turn up causing him to smile as he saw her.

"hey sol!" he said happily , "hi miguell " she responds , "hey mikey!" mason gets into frame.

miguel's smile slightly dropped , "hey guys , sorry i didn't know you two were together i wouldn't have called".

"what do you mean mikey its alright , so what's up?" she asks as she pops a gummy bear in her mouth.

"oh nothing i was just bored and i wanted to talk , but shit i actually have to go my mom just texted me! glad i could check up on y'all , bye!" he lies.

Endgame , Miguel C MoraWhere stories live. Discover now