Chapter 1

798 9 14

Y/N = your name

H/C = hair color

H/L = hair length

E/C = eyecolor

F/F  = favourite food

Note: the reader's power is a shade; can control shadows and darkness.


 It was a nice, sunny and breezy morning at Moonglade. A perfect day to go to Foxfire! Yes, I'm being sarcastic right now, but I really do enjoy days like these, although I have to go to school. I go to Foxfire, a proud and amazing place to learn, well, that's according to what my parents say. I am a fourth year, same with Sophie and Dex. The two have always been my friends, since the first day me and Dex met. Although I met Sophie not long ago, we instantly became friends.

  Since the first day that I met her, she never thought my ability was weird or creepy or that I'm going to do something bad to people, she was kind and accepting , and that was a first for me, I mean besides Dex. I got out of bed and shuffled to my dressing room, which was HUGE, there ws more space than I would ever need. I put on my level four Foxfire uniform and combed my H/L, H/C hair. I decided to keep it simple and just keep it down for today.


 I walked downstairs from my room, which was very open and spacious, and filled to the brim with books and beautiful star shaped crystals on the ceiling. Large windows lined the room, lighting it up with natural light, perfect for reading. The large, soft bed was pushed against the wall and had black sheets and pillows with blue blankets. The dark, wooden floors contrasted well with the beautiful white crystal walls.

  I went downstairs, and into the spacious kitchen, as per usual my parents weren't there, which isn't surprising, my parents worked quite a lot, due to their high job placements. They both were Emissaries, so I didn't see them too often. I made a simple breakfast, a slice of mallowmelt and a glass of lushberry juice. I was eating my breakfast when I heard my Imparter ring. I went over and picked up to see who it was. 

 I looked at the tiny screen and saw my best friend, Sophie Foster looking back at me, but I was confused by why she was calling, school hadn't started. I picked up the call and Sophie said that they were going to have a sleepover later and they wanted to invite me. I thought about this for a while before I agreed, wanting something fun to do after school. 


 I felt sort of excited yet nervous, most kids never invited me because they were scared I would do something with my powers, I shrugged the thought off and got ready to leave. I went outside and light leaped to Foxfire. 

 When I arrived on the lush green lawn,  I headed to my classes, my favourite class had to be Elementalism, bottling up different elements, I also loved learning about stars and earth. I also enjoyed Alchemy. When it was time for lunch, I was so hungry and tired after my classes which made me so distracted as I walked down the halls of Foxfire I didn't notice someone was waiting at my locker.

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