Chapter 3

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*all images used belong to the artists who made them, give the credit to them*

   We walked to the cafeteria. I decided to get some lushberry juice, mallowmelt, and some cooked umber leaves. ( I'm sorry, if that's not what they serve there. ) After getting my food I was going to go to my usual seat, the corner seat where no one can bother me. But Linh asked:

 "Want to sit with us?" she asked. Tam looked over at us and left to sit at their normal seat.

 "Uh, sure." I replied.

 "Okay, let's go!" she exclaimed. I followed them and sat with them, it was near a window so I got plenty of sunlight.

  "So Y/N, what's your ability?" Linh asked. I gulped.

  "Um,  I'm a Shade." I said, Tam looked up and looked. Linh smiled.

  "Tam's a Shade as well." she told me. I looked at him, surprised, he glared and went back to his food. The three of us ate quietly until the lunch was finished. I bade them goodbye and started to go to my next session, which was Alchemy, I started walking by myself along the emerald corridors until I hear footsteps and turn around and saw Tam walking the same way as me.

  "Um what class do you have next?" I asked him. He gave me a 'please be quiet look' and just kept walking, till the two of us arrived at the same door. We both went in and took a seat. I sat near the right side of the classroom, close to the window. Tam sat down behind me and I deicded to start up a conversation.

(My introverted butt will never do that lol)

  "I don't think I saw you here before, um did you always go here?" I asked. He looked.

  "No, I went to Exillum before with Linh." he said.

  "Why Exillum? I asked.

 "Linh was banished at a young age for floods. They were going to banish her alone, with no one to help her, so I decided to go with her." he explained. His fists clenched and I looked at him concerned. Soon class started and our task was to transmute metals. I decided to mimic Tam's silver tipped bangs and instead put it onto the ends of my hair. Tam eyed me curiously.

 "Are you trying to make your hair look like mine?" he inquired.

I laughed nervously.

"Uh maybe?" I replied. His mouth quirked up a little into a small smile. 

"How did you do it?" he asked.

 "I took this class for a long time, I picked up a couple tricks here and there." I said. He nodded.

 "Would you mind teaching me? he asked, I pondered it for a little.

  "S-sure, just hold out your hands." I said. He did so and for maybe 30 mins, he learned how to transmute some gold highlights into his hair.

 "That's pretty cool." he said. I smile and compliment his look.

"Looks good on you." I say, he gives me a sideways glance and a small smile appeared.


  Like it or not, I was falling for Tam Song, and I didn't care what would happen next.

 (Sorry for the short chapters, but sometimes I have writer's block and I sometimes don't have anything to write, but I try to update everyday if I can, enjoy reading, everyone!)


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