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As Naruto carefully drew the communication seal on Banri's wrist, the atmosphere in the office felt intimate and charged with unspoken emotions. The brush glided smoothly over Banri's pale skin, creating the intricate pattern that would connect their thoughts and hearts.

Naruto explained with a soft voice, "This seal will allow us to communicate with each other telepathically, no matter the distance. It's a way for us to stay connected, even when we can't be physically close." He showed Banri his own wrist, where he had drawn the matching seal.

Banri nodded, his indifferent expression softening ever so slightly. "It's a useful jutsu," he replied, appreciating the practicality of the seal. He understood the importance of staying in constant communication, especially given their unique and complex relationship.

As Naruto finished drawing the seal, Banri motioned for him to lean closer over the desk. Without hesitation, Naruto complied, and their lips met in a passionate kiss. In that moment, the world around them seemed to fade away, leaving only the two of them in their shared intimacy.

The touch of Banri's lips against his own sent a rush of warmth through Naruto's body. He couldn't help but feel a sense of contentment and excitement in this unspoken connection they had formed.

As they pulled away, Banri spoke with a hint of fondness in his voice, "Being this close to Hokage-sama is what many people desire, but only I have acquired it." His words held a mixture of pride and possessiveness as if he was the guardian of something precious that no one else could have.

Naruto smiled, feeling a sense of affection for the enigmatic Anbu guard. "And I wouldn't have it any other way, Banri," he replied earnestly. "You are more than just my protector; you are my confidant and my trusted companion."

Late at night, when the village was quiet and the office empty, Naruto decided to test the communication seal he had drawn on himself and Banri. Closing his eyes and focusing on the connection between them, he reached out with his mind, trying to establish a telepathic link.

Almost instantly, he felt a presence in his thoughts, and he knew that he had connected with Banri. "Can you hear me, Banri?" Naruto thought, projecting his voice through the communication seal.

A moment passed before he received a response. "Yes, Hokage-sama," Banri's voice echoed in Naruto's mind. Despite the telepathic link, Banri's voice still carried that characteristic tone of indifference.

Naruto couldn't help but chuckle mentally. "You sound just as indifferent even telepathically," he thought with amusement.

"It's not intentional, Hokage-sama. It's just how I am," Banri replied, his voice remaining steady.

Naruto grinned, feeling a sense of warmth in their communication. "I know, Banri. And I wouldn't want you any other way. Your loyalty and dedication have always been one of your best qualities."

There was a hint of appreciation in Banri's mental response. "Thank you, Hokage-sama. It's an honor to serve and protect you," he thought.

As they continued their telepathic conversation, Naruto felt a deeper connection forming between them. Despite Banri's stoic exterior and the lack of emotion in his voice, Naruto knew that their bond was special and unique.

Naruto posed the question through their telepathic connection, a sense of vulnerability and anticipation washed over him. He wondered how Banri would respond to such a direct and intimate inquiry.

For a moment, there was silence on the telepathic line, and Naruto wondered if he had crossed a boundary. But then Banri's voice, though still composed, broke through the quiet. "Hokage-sama, my desires are irrelevant. I am here to serve and protect you, and my personal feelings should not interfere with my duty."

Naruto felt a pang of disappointment at Banri's response, sensing that he was holding back. He knew Banri's loyalty was unwavering, but he also wanted to understand the depth of their connection on a more intimate level.

"B-but, Banri," Naruto stammered, his own emotions starting to surface, "our connection is not just about duty. We've shared intimate moments together, and I can feel that there's more to it than just serving as my protector."

Banri's mental presence wavered for a moment before he responded, "You are correct, Hokage-sama. Our bond goes beyond duty. I do... desire to touch you, to be close to you. But my feelings should not interfere with my responsibilities."

Naruto's heart skipped a beat at Banri's admission. He could sense the conflict within the stoic Anbu guard, torn between his loyalty and his emotions. It was a revelation that both excited and worried him.

"Banri, I want to know," Naruto said gently, trying to reassure him, "how you truly feel. Our bond is built on trust, and I want us to be open with each other."

Banri's response was hesitant as if he was choosing his words carefully. "Hokage-sama, I... I care for you deeply. You have shown me kindness and understanding, and I cannot deny my feelings for you. But my duty comes first, and I will never let my desires compromise my responsibility to protect you."

Naruto's heart swelled with emotion, touched by Banri's honesty and devotion. He realized that their connection was more profound than he had imagined, a complex interweaving of duty and genuine affection.

"Thank you, Banri," Naruto replied, his voice soft and sincere. "I appreciate your honesty, and I want you to know that I care for you deeply as well. Our bond is something special, and I trust that we can navigate the complexities of our emotions together."

Banri's mental presence seemed to relax slightly as if a weight had been lifted. "Thank you, Hokage-sama," he said, his voice tinged with relief. "Your understanding means a great deal to me. I will give you a small taste of what I feel for you." 

Naruto raised an eyebrow but he didn't have to wait long. In the depths of their minds, Naruto felt the intensity of Banri's longing, a mixture of desire and restraint. He sensed the depths of Banri's feelings, the longing to touch and be close to him that Banri had kept hidden behind his stoic facade.

The telepathic exchange allowed for a level of intimacy that went beyond words. Naruto could feel the depth of Banri's emotions, the passion and affection that had been restrained for so long. It was a revelation that both excited and thrilled him.

With a newfound understanding, Naruto felt a rush of emotions within himself as well. He realized that their bond was stronger and more profound than he had imagined, a connection that went beyond their roles as Hokage and Anbu guard.

In response to Banri's unspoken desire, Naruto allowed himself to be vulnerable and open. He conveyed his own feelings through the telepathic connection, showing Banri that he reciprocated the same longing and affection.

In the unspoken moments that followed, they shared their emotions without needing to say a word. The communication seal had become a conduit for their desires and feelings, deepening their connection even further.

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