Chapter 2

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The phone ringing woke Clark from his sleep. It was eight in the morning and it was his father calling. Clark picked the call smiling as he had good news to tell. His dad was so happy to learn his son had managed to land a job on his own and congratulated him.

Clark had a week or so to prepare for his new job. But first decided to go shopping at a mall in town. As he was looking for things to buy, some items in a girl's trolley just in front of him, fell down to the floor. Clark quickly helped collect the items, putting them back to the trolley.

"Hi, am Angelina thanks for the help" the girl said to Clark with a smile. "It's no problem at all. I could not resist myself from helping a pretty lady like you. Am Clark by the way," Clark replied.

Angelina was tall, beautiful with long dark hair and had put on some make up. She had all the qualities of an attractive woman. Clark felt comfortable with her. There was some kind of chemistry between them. Her lovely voice making him like her even more. They chatted and laughed as they bought and rated various items.

When leaving, Angelina who had noticed a Jack Daniels bottle being among the items that Clark had bought while at the counter asked, "Who are you going to drink that bottle you bought with?"

"Girl you have a keen eye. Unfortunately am going to drink it with myself but I would love it if you drunk it with me." Clark said with a chuckle in his voice. "Hell yeah where do you stay?" she asked Clark.

"I stay at Texid Street in Geed Estate. Are you familiar with the place? "  "No. Why don't I drop you off there in my car, then I will head over to my house and drop off the items I just bought after which I will get back to your place later on, so we can enjoy that drink," she said while pointing at her car. "Deal. That sounds like an awesome plan." They got into Angelina's car. Clark helped her load the items into the car trunk, set the GPS to his place direction and they drove off.

Angelina came by at around four in the evening . Her beauty was stunning and Clark could not help but stare in awe. Clark let her into his house, gave her a warm hug then brought two glasses from the stand. He broke some ice and put it in the glasses then poured the drink into them and offered her one.

Angelina who had not entered Clark's house when she had made a stopover earlier seemed impressed with the interior of the house. "What a nice place you have. I really love the arrangement in here. Can I move in here like now?" she joked. Clark laughed "Yeah this place would fit two people. A lady's touch would definitely make it more perfect. Am sure this is nothing compared to your place." "No my place sucks. The view outside from your balcony rocks plus your place is quiet unlike mine with lots of noise and loud music." Clark opened the draws and searched for movie CDs.

"What kind movies do you love Angie?" "Just anything cool and interesting," she replied. Clark decided to just go with one of his favorite classic comedy movies from the 90s and put it on. Angelina loved the movie judging from the attention she paid to it and her constant giggling. When the movie was over they talked and told each other stories of their lives.

"What crime would you do if there were no rules and as such you wouldn't risk getting arrested if you commit it?" Angelina asked. Clark was caught by surprise there. It was like she had read him and found out he was used to following rules. "Wooah! If that was the case I would enter a jewelry shop pick anything, fill my bags then walk out" Clark replied then asked, "How about you?" "Ever since I was young I have dreamt of owning my own private jet. That would be the first thing I would borrow if you know what I mean. Something like Harrison Ford's CJ3."

At around 7, Angelina left and promised to hang out with Clark again and do something dangerous having enjoyed his company. Clark had discovered she was the kind of girl who enjoyed the thrill of doing something with an unpredictable outcome.

Clark went by Matt's house to brag about Angie. Matt always made fun of Clark for not getting laid in many years and vowed to give him one of his cars for a whole month if he ever went out with a beautiful girl not a hooker. Something Clark had not  done in a long time but was now about to score with Angelina.

"You better put your money where your mouth is," Clark began boastfully after Matt opened the door for him. "Why is that so?" a rather curious Matt queried. "You won't believe who just left my house." "Who is the girl?" Matt asked with a poker face realizing it must have been a girl judging from how lighten up Clark's face was. An effect brought about by the presence of a lady in a man's life. "A perfect 10. Her name is Angelina. I met her earlier today and we hanged out at my place since 4 in the evening" "What else did you do? How was the sex? How does she look? Do you have her picture?"

"No man. Enough with the questions. I just met her today. She's classy and you won't expect sex on the first day from those kind of women. Am just letting things follow their course for now. When the time is right you never know what will happen"

"Blah Blah... If I was the one in your place, I could have hit that like yesterday. When are you going to break that dry spell pal? You are my best friend and you know am concerned for you."

Matt wanted Clark to introduce her to him and Clark promised to do so. "I swear you will love her. She's just as crazy as you are."

Clark left Matt's place and headed home. He decided to take a shorter route home as he wanted to catch up on his favorite series that was about to start on TV. The path was dark and by that time of the night was always crowded by dealers pushing dope and homeless people. He risked being mugged but getting home quick was his top priority.

As he turned the second corner, he was hit by a sharp metallic object on the back of his head and the last thing he remembered before blacking out was three masculine, rough haired guys getting into his pockets and quickly getting away. Clark regained consciousness after sometime finding himself in an unfamiliar house with loud music playing.

"Finally you back. Thought for a second there, you were gone," a deep familiar voice spoke to him. It was Stan. He had found Clark lying on the ground unconscious and carried him to his house with the help of his friends. Stan worked a side job of selling coke at night and happened to be in the right place to save Clark on that day. Clark quickly checked his pockets realizing his phone, wallet and the watch he was wearing on his wrist were all gone.

"How long was I out?" Clark asked Stan. "About one hour. What were you thinking passing through that route alone at that time of the night?" "I don't even know where my mind was at man. There is this series am hooked to on TV and wanted to get home real quick to catch up with it as it was about to air."

"Just get some rest. You can crash here for the night. That's my turf, promise I will look for those bastards tomorrow. They won't know what hit them" "Wait a minute.... Are you a thief too?"

"No man I sell some of my shit in that street." "Drugs or what?" "Yeah. The jobs I told you I do, don't make me enough. But this brings in real dough my man. Am talking about good money." "You saved me bro I owe you one." "That's nothing bro was just doing a brother a favor. Am sure you would have done the same if I was in your shoes." "Sure thing... again I owe you one. Let me get some sleep, my head is spinning like crazy."

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