A what?!

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  The next morning Dani was woken up by Hermione pushing her out of bed. "Get up whore!" Hermione yelled at her

  "How the fuck did you even get in here?" Dani got up and walked over to her bathroom.

  "I snuck in, duh." Hermione shrugged like it was the easiest thing ever


While observing the Hufflepuffs around her, Dani felt two people sit beside her and saw Mattheo sit across from her. "Well hello pretty girl how are you?" Enzo leaned on his elbow and stole a piece of fruit off of her plate with his free hand.

"Hello Theo, Mattheo, and.....Lorenzo." She looked at him with a passive look. "You better get me more fruit."

"Don't worry darling I will." He said with a smile. "We were wondering if you wanted to go to a Ravenclaw party with us." He winked at her.

Dani choked on some of her juice "A what?!" She's never been to a house party before.

"Yeah come on it'll be so much fun Elle!" Theo exclaimed. 'elle? I kinda like it.' Mattheo nodded his head.

"Um, no. I don't feel like it." They gave her a pleading look. "Why do you even want me to come, I've never been to one before."

"That's exactly why you have to come Elle! It'll be so much fun! And it's our last year. Live a little!" Theo exclaimed.

"I'll think about it."


Dani was walking to transfiguration when she felt an arm wrap around her waist. She looked up and saw Adrian Pucey smirking as they walked through the halls.

"Get off of me right now or I'll curse you." Dani was not a fan of Pus...Pucey. They had a bit of a past with each other and it wasn't a great one.

"Aww Dani don't be like that." He said with a fake pout. Dani rolled her eyes and started to walk away. Adrian took this opportunity to slap her butt. Everyone in the hall stopped what they were doing and looked over at the Hufflepuff. Everyone that knew about her knew she had a very short temper.

Dani stopped walking and turned around to face Adrian. "You think it's ok to touch girls without their consent?" He just smirked at her and looked away.

"What are you going to do about it? Crucio me?" He laughed

"No" Adrian stopped laughing and looked at her.

"Why not? There's no teacher here to stop you this time." He said with sinister smirk.

She turned her head to the side. "I know, but I wouldn't want to waste such a curse on someone so little." She then pushed Adrian and threw a punch at him. He stumbled a bit before going to hit her but she dodged his punch and pushed him to the ground "Get the fuck up. You think you're so tough but you can't even get up after one punch. Pathetic."

When she went to walk away she felt something grab her hair. She heard gasps from people around them. Adrian turned her around and punched her in the face. She had a busted lip and a bloody nose. She grabbed the collar of his robe and pulled him close enough for her to headbutt him. He let go of her hair and held his nose. She took this opportunity to punch him until he fell to the ground. She then got on top of him and started beating the shit out of him.

Snape came running around the corner of the hall. He was wondering where half of his students were. He had over heard a girl that was entering his class say a Hufflepuff and a Slytherin were fighting in the halls. But what he didn't know, was that the Hufflepuff was the girl he was supposed to looking out for "Danielle Galdur!" Dani didn't stop, she heard him but didn't stop. Enzo, Theo, and Mattheo came running past him. "Danielle Galdur get off of him!" Snape yelled again.

'So Danielle is her name. Okay not the time Enzo.' Enzo shook his head ridding his thoughts when he saw Mattheo rip Danielle off of Adrian "Get off of me! I'm fine!" But Mattheo didn't let her go "I said I'm fine, get off!" After a few seconds he let go of her and she turned around to face them.

"You're definitely not okay." Mattheo pointed at her.

"Wow thanks! Mattheo you definitely deserve the friend of the week award for that one!" Dani pointed her finger at him, smiling sarcastically.

Snape walked over to her and saw that she had a bloody nose, and a busted lip. He looked at her worriedly "detention for two weeks Ms. Galdur. Someone take Mr. Pucey to the infirmary. Don't just stand there!" A couple of people jumped slightly and ran over to the boy on the ground.

"Two we- two weeks?! He's the one who slapped my butt! You're letting him off the hook and not me?!" Dani put her hand up to her nose to catch some of the blood that was dripping onto the floor.

Snape was furious that he couldn't have gotten there sooner. "I expect to see you, Ms. Galdur, after school in my office for your two weeks worth of detention." With that he walked off.

"Here." Mattheo gave her a handkerchief and rubbed her back while she put it up to her nose. She said a quiet 'thank you' and started to walk off.

"How did you get sorted into Hufflepuff anyway?" Enzo asked as him and the other 2 walked after her.

"Pft, I don't know, the hat wasn't very clear." She smiled and stopped walking the guys stopping with her. "Also I'll be attending the party. When is it?"

"It's next Saturday." Theo smiled at her. She smiled back then started walking again without the boys this time 'looks like I'm not going to class'

I hope you enjoyed!! There's going to be one more chapter then the party. Also do we want her to be on the quidditch team or no? And if so what should be her position?

Edited: what's with her and getting into fights, this needed major editing. If you see any errors please let me know!


"Why do you care so much about me anyway!?"Dani asked Snape.

"Because...I made a promise to your mom when she was pregnant with you that I would always protect you!" Snape confessed

"Well where were you when my dad left? She's abusive and manipulative! If you cared so much then you'd come to see her!" Dani got up and left.

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