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minho stirred awake from his slumber with jisung next to him. the boy's head was pressed against his neck and hand was intertwined with his. jisung was unconscious, he probably didn't even know he was cuddling his mentor and will be terrified when he wakes up. not only that, minho was cuddling him back too.

in his half-sleepy state, minho couldn't believe what was to come today. as he carefully reached his phone, the asleep boy stretched away from him but still holding his hand. minho found the boy above adorable. he checked his messages, a few from the groupchat - most likely panicking. his roommate, chan seemed to have already left too.

too tired to care, he turned away to watch jisung who was sleeping in his arms. he looked so squishy and delicate. minho loved the feeling of jisung's skin against his. unfortunately, it has to go as minho needs to get up. but he didn't want to. maybe a little longer.

minho watched the younger sleeping with adoration, reaching out his hand to brush away jisung's hair that was splayed across his forehead.

it wasn't long later when jisung yawned, letting go of someone's hand and bringing his hands up to his face to rub his eyes. he slept unusually well today. the bed was unreasonably warm and comfortable. maybe he could sleep a little longer— he had no classes today. jisung turned to his side and buried his face in the warmth of— WHO?!

jisung's eyes shot open upon realisation and he sat up so quickly that he felt dizzy afterwards. "wh- wha... huh..?" his speech slurred, adjusting to the light after a long sleep.

"you slept for so long." minho said as he sat up, mumbling something under his breath that jisung couldn't quite make out. his cold demeanour was back.

"what.. b- but we... we— what did we?— huh?" it was embarrassing that jisung couldn't even utter a proper sentence nor make out what was going on.

there was a small blush unnoticeably spreading across minho's cheeks, even more so in jisung's case.

"ahem." minho cleared his throat and just shook his head, looking away from the younger.

he knew what was to be expected today, the grand reveal. due to that, he didn't want to already make things weird between him and the sophomore. there was mixed feelings within him and he doesn't know how he should feel about today. excited? overwhelmed? nervous? careless? no matter what, he trusts chan will handle the situation perfectly.

the clock read 10:09PM. thankfully no classes were on today as it was the weekend.

"uhm--" jisung's sweet voice broke minho out of his thoughts, "where's chris..?"

the older shrugged as he stood up and grabbed fresh clothes, seemingly going to take a shower. jisung knows he wasn't the talking type but he wonders if he could ever become close with him. not only did he find lee know super hot, but he enjoyed his company and the way he woke up; in his arms. jisung got butterflies by just thinking about it. would he ever be able to experience something like that again?

as he still didn't have his phone with him and no companions, he was left alone on the bed. he stared at the ceiling for a bit, wishing he brought his phone with him because he kinda misses his groupchat. the thoughts of his roommate still went through his mind too. how would he ever be able to face yongbok again? he had to eventually but jisung couldn't figure out how to. he couldn't just stay at chris' and lee know's place forever.

a vibration of a phone was enough to snap jisung back to reality. must've been lee know's phone. out of curiosity, he just decided to take a little peek.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 02 ⏰

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