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yeonseo's pov

"you can't be serious right now." i said in disbelief "there is no WAY i'm sitting in the middle."

the two people who would definitely soon be my enemies for today were just snickering "ESPECIALLY YOU SEUNGCHEOL your mom will be mad at you if she finds out you put me in the middle" i stated as they were still making their little laughs

"so what? she's going to just tell your mom" seungcheol just stated and wonwoo continued laughing with him

"those two are going to get it from me after this is done" i thought in my head

sitting with jeonghan and shua was such a problem in so many ways even if i didn't like one or the other, why? they're literally the evil twins especially to ME. if i say ONE word to them or do anything they'll think of something and start teasing me. see i don't really mind it but then it starts to get me concerned for them for the things they say and lets just say it aint good.

"whatever." i finally said and entered the car and sat in the middle. at least seungcheol picked us up first so i wouldn't have to see one of those two at least just entering the car. as i sat down i already put my face flat on my palms and put my fingers around the top of my head and gripped my hair

"why did i have to pick this number" i mumbled to myself even though i kind of saw this coming

4 is my favorite number and jeonghans. everyone knows that. and yet i still picked it. i was even trying to second guess and change my answer to 2 but no i stayed with 4. kms for not doing the 2nd option

"oh yeah" seungcheol said to me while talking to wonwoo "we're going to the far one because I want to go to the mall after too"

"amazing" i said sarcastically "so not only do I have to sit here right now with shua and jeonghan but now I have to do that for maybe at least 1-3 hours depending on the traffic!" I exclaimed those two were setting me up even more. want to go to the mall my ass bro they just want to suffer here.

The next thing I knew we were at shua's house and we picked him up. my whole row of me and shua was just silent. see one thing about us is that we can go on forever talking on text or call or with a ton more people but not next to eachother. now just think how it would be once jeonghan is in here. i soon got a text message from the man sitting literally right beside me.

bro why are you sitting here

don't even get me started
if i could sit anywhere right now it would be in the shotgun seat which you can see is occupied

well good luck

I smirked in disbelief after reading that message and he just looked at me back. as i looked back outside i saw that we were already in front of jeonghan's house.

shua please can we switch seats 😭😭😭

see i would but i'm a little too tall and buff for that seat

bruh ok dont get mad at me if i end up being mad at all of you after this

after that message sent the door opened and there i saw jeonghan right outside the door. he had a look that screamed out "are you serious?" and sat down

"yoon jeonghan please let me switch seats with you" i begged and eternally kept repeating please for his answer.

"my legs are gonna fucking cramp in there" he said and ended up sitting down at the last window seat.

"these men are going to be the end of me." i mumbled and got a glance from jeonghan

i looked at him back with a face with "what's your problem" typa stuff and just bent my back down. if this is how i was supposed to be semi away from them this is not how it was going to be. i ended up sitting back up as seungcheol went up to the freeway for my eyes to be granted with the most amazing thing that could ever happen in this situation! traffic. that wasn't even MOVING.

"fuck this shit bro" i said in just a normal voice for everyone to hear. jeonghan and wonwoo leaned their heads on the window while jisoo was just looking through his phone which i managed to end up looking at myself since i was bored outta my mind. i ended up getting tired and tried to sleep with out moving my head anywhere and closed my eyes and i somehow fell asleep.

shua's pov

I was just watching on my phone since I knew this was gonna take long. I was looking ahead of me seeing the ongoing traffic and wonwoo playing league of legends. All of a sudden I feel a thump on my shoulder and i look over to my side seeing both yeonseo and jeonghan sleeping with yeonseo's head on me. I didn't move her and just out my elbow up on the window and fist at my head and tried to sleep to since I was getting kind of bored watching.

"you know," i heard wonwoo say right when i closed my eyes "out of everyone.. why did jeonghan pick yeonseo?"

"and you're assuming I would know" seungcheol just responded back "everytime I think about it I think the same thing. we all know what jeonghan is he's basically a homie hopper and yeonseo she's- that girl is just the opposite of him. she can't even date for her life."

"he probably picked her because he knows she wouldn't say no, and if she did he would've just made her. shes the type to just agree to do anything unless she knows its wrong which brings me back to ask why she agreed to it." wonwoo added. honestly i was thinking the same thing. but at the same time the person who asked her was jeonghan.

"it's jeonghan wonu. she would've said alright to it in the end anyways." i ended up saying in not a loud voice but kind of in a 'i just woke up' type of manner. yeonseo shifted her head after me saying that but i know she didn't hear what i said, to what any of us were saying. this girl is a sleeper who doesn't hear anything when shes sleeping unless it's repeated. another thing about her is that she can't stand it when it's really loud in a small space with little people. like a car stopped with 2 people and her and they're being really loud type of thing. she won't speak up to them about it often but she'll be really cranky for the rest of the day.

after saying my statement, i ended up falling asleep.

wonwoo's pov

i looked at the back since it was sounding a little too quiet and all 3 of them were all snoozing.

"i gotta take a pic of this" i said to myself and giggled. this is the top tier typa blackmailing pictures if you know what I mean.

"hyung take a look at the back" seungcheol then looked back since the traffic was barely moving and let out a little snicker. "you took a pic of that right? you better send me it" he replied as he looked at me "you better get me something for this" I commented as I send the picture to his phone. today was going to be a good day for sure.

broken love - yoon jeonghan | book 1Where stories live. Discover now