Chapter 31

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Hey, guys! Thank you for all of the birthday wishes for my character, Hannah, last Wednesday, and for 3,000 reads on this story! It amazes me how much support I get from you guys for both my stories and my characters ^-^ *hugs you all*. Also, since it's currently summer break right now, I have a very important update for this story. It will no longer be updated on just Friday, Saturday, Sunday, or Monday, but instead, a new chapter will be uploaded everyday. Yep, everyday! I hope you guys are excited about this piece of news! Anyways, I hope you enjoy this part! Happy reading!


The day was beginning to wind down, with the sun already setting and no one was in the dorm right now. Perfect. Just the appropriate time for me to-

"Hey, Jack."

I jumped in surprise at the sound of Hiccup's voice suddenly in the dorm. I turned to look at him and gave him a smile which I hoped didn't look forced. "Oh. Hey, Hiccup. You, uh, back now?"

Hiccup laughed. Huh. Strange. He's acting more jolly than Principal North himself. "Yeah, I just stopped by Merida's dorm to talk."

"Oh?" I said, very intrigued now. He went to visit her to talk or "And how did it go?"

"It went fine, I guess," Hiccup shrugged nonchalantly before his eyes lit up like freakin' Christmas lights in the middle of the night. "If you count suddenly being in a relationship now in the fine list!"

"Um, what?"

Hiccup laughed again. Okay, this is getting even more weirder now. If this was like any other normal day, Hiccup would have rolled his eyes in exasperation at me and he would slowly explain to me like a kindergartner whatever the heck he was talking. "Jack, Merida and I...well, we're going out now."

"Woah, woah, woah. Hold on," I said holding up a finger before he could go on a musical ballad about how happy he was and how flawless Merida was. "You and DunBroch? Going out?"

"Yep," Hiccup said happily.

"You sure?" I asked. "You sure this is Merida we're talking about? The girl we've known since middle school who swore that she would never be in a relationship?"

"Yep, that's the one," Hiccup said, chuckling. "You seem a bit surprised, Frost."

"Well, I mean, I knew that you had feelings for her. I just never thought that she would actually-"

"Don't ruin this moment of bliss, Frost," Hiccup held up a hand. Okay, he's getting a little irritated now. Looks like the old Hiccup is still there...somewhere.

"Kidding," I held up my hands in surrender. "I'm happy for you, Hic. Really, I am."

"Well, thanks," Hiccup smiled gratefully. He scratched the back of his neck awkwardly. "I just came back here to get some books I forgot. I'll be in the library if you need me."

I nodded, hollering after him as he walked out. "Say hi to Elsa for me!"

"Will do!"

I sighed, staring blankly at the wall in front of me, thoughtlessly turning in my chair. Huh. So Hiccup and Merida are really going out. That's good. Great, actually.

I made sure that there weren't any approaching footsteps coming before I went to my drawer and pulled out a box with a lock in it. I unlocked it with a key I kept in my pocket and sighed in relief that it wasn't tampered with.

What was in the box, you ask? Oh, well, nothing special.

Except my new entry for the art show.

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