Part 5: Salvation

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"Well, look who decided to show up." Baal glares at me.

I gulp.
Was he expecting me or something?

"Took him long enough!" A mysterious bunch of demons emerge from the shadows. They wear masks, presumably to hide their true identities.

They all laugh manically. I'm unsure what to say or do so I just stand their awkwardly.

Ali was right, this was a really bad idea.

It's too late for regrets though, I'm here now so I might as well say what I want to say.

"I have come to talk with you." I speak. My demeanour is stern.

The demons stop their laughter and the mood turns serious.

"Oh? What about?" Baal responds.

I glare at him, he knows why I'm here but he's trying to spill it out of me.

"You know why." I respond.
I've never felt so much anger towards someone before, not even with my parents... perhaps it's because this involves people I care about.

"You falsely reported me to Border Patrol and now they're after me." I add.

Baal folds one leg over the other. His golden throne shimmers in the sunrise and into my ocean blue eyes.

"I reported you to Border Patrol because you're a threat, Iruma." He explains.
"A threat to not only others, but yourself as well, I merely did you a favour."

I feel my body tense up, I cannot allow him to get the upper hand, I need to reason with him.

"Tell them I'm not a threat." I say. My tone is serious.

The demons in the room laugh at my words.
Baal shushes them.

"Now why would I do that?" He responds.
"Humans don't belong in the demon world, I merely just gave them a reason to investigate you." He further explains.

"By setting me up?" I yell.
"I never did anything wrong!"
I realise I'm starting to show my emotions too much, I need to take a breather.

"I can tell you're upset but this is just how it is... there was no way a human could just live in a world surrounded by demons." He says.
"You're a fool for even thinking you could."

He's right. I am a fool.

I feel full of all types of emotions...anger, guilt, sadness...
My knees buckle and I fall to the floor. I'm so desperate for things to go back to the way they were before but...
is that even possible now?

I'm pretty sure despair is written all over my face and I just so happen to be in the presence of demons who seem to enjoy my suffering, but I cannot hold my emotions in any longer.

The masked demons resume laughing at me, even louder than before.
They mumble to each other but I cannot make out their words.

"Please..." these pitiful words escape my mouth.
"I'll do anything to stay in the Netherworld." These words would be the ones that I'd soon regret.

I grovel, tears flooding onto the floor.

I seeked salvation from the very demons that wanted to destroy it.
Why did I think this was a good idea again?

Baal steps up from his throne and walks towards me. I hear his footsteps clatter as he gets closer...and closer...

What will he do once he reaches me?

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