carving a palisman

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TW: mentions of suicide


     Hunter was sitting in a dark room. Only 1 lamp had been lit. He had been look at a picture of him and Willow, and they looked so happy together. Hunter's eyes are red from crying. He's lost almost everyone.
     Luz had died first, humans have shorter lifespans than witches. Amity died second. She ended her life shortly after Luz had passed because she couldn't bare to be without her. Than Willow died. Old age got her. Lastly Gus, he was the youngest after all.
     Hunter was still alive due to being a grimwalker. Grimwalkers are made like Palismen, they live until magic kills them or the gaulderstone, their power source, shatters. Vee was still alive because basilisk live alot longer than witches. And obviously, everyone's kids.

     Hunter set the picture down and picked up another one, this picture was right after they had defeated Belos. Willow was helping Hunter pose correctly. Luz had her arm behind Amity's neck. Amity was smiling. Gus was adjusting his necklace.
     "I miss them so much.." Hunter's voice was shaking as tears rolled down his cheeks. The door opens and a voice pitches in "Dad? Can you help me with something?" Hunter looks up and wipes his face with his sleeve. 

     "Uhm. Yea, just uhm, five minutes please" Hunter is shaky and his voice is cracking from the tears. "Okay!" The kid runs off forgetting to shut the door. Hunter sighs thinking to himself 'I'll shut the door later,' Hunter gets up and stretches, faking a smile.
     He leaves the room making sure to shut the door. "Hey, Bubbles. You needed me?" Hunter asks the kid. "Yeah can you teach me how to carve palismen like you do!?" Bubbles, the kid, asks, and she sounds so excited. Hunter sighs and smiles.
     "Sure kiddo, let's do it," Hunter said softly.  Hunter grabs a piece of palistrom wood and sits down at a nearby seat. "So listen up, Kiddo. First you have to imagine what you want, which yes can be complicated," Bubbles listens intently, very focused on each word that is being spoken to her.
     Hunter's voice is cracking from sadness as the memories of Flapjack come to him. Oh how he misses that bird, but he has to focus on what he's saying as to not say the wrong thing. "So do you understand?" Hunter asks softly. Bubbles thinks for a moment before holding her hand out "Can I try?" Bubbles asks in her high pitch voice, the voice she does when she's excited. Hunter chuckles, "sure Kiddo. Go go for it," Hunter hands Bubbles the wood and the carving blade. And giving her a "be careful" look. Bubbles pauses and thinks for a minute before she starts carving.
     "What are you carving?" Hunter asks after about a minute. "You'll see!" Bubbles says excitedly. Bubbles looks so focused and all the sudden she stops and looks at Hunter. "Dad?.." She says in a sad tone. "Yes, Kiddo?" Hunter looks concerned. Bubbles stats silent and just starts balling her eyes out.

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