Chapter 4

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My body didn't sleep the whole night. My brain wouldn't rest with the feeling of someone else in the room. When I finally turned my head to the clock it read 4:34. "Damn," I said to myself and rested my head back onto my pillow. The whole room was completely dark but after staring into the dark my eyes had adjusted allowing me to see just fine.

I sat up and swung my legs over the bed. I stood up and rustled through my bag. Before leaving I wanted to shower and because I couldn't sleep I guess now would be the best time. I took out some clothes and quickly headed out the door and down the now empty halls.

The base now had a creepy feeling to it. The dark outside made it hard to see anything. Crickets and other insects made noise masking the quietness of the night. No one was up besides me and possibly Ghost. I walked outside into the cold night as a breeze traveled through me.

I walked through to the first building which I assumed held the training and armory. Once I walked through to the building I saw the shower rooms, or I guess room. I approached it and saw only one door labeled "Showers" with a male figure on it. "I guess this place doesn't get any women." I huffed out. I opened the door and looked for a lock. Once I saw one I felt a little better.

I entered the shower room and quickly locked the door behind me. Most people would assume I was a man, even though I didn't quite look the part. Sure, I showed no part of me but my boobs pressed out of my chest causing a bump in my chest gear to show, which caught most male gaze.

I walked to the back where the showers were. To my surprise they were all separated with rooms. You couldn't even see it. The rest of the room were benches and lockers. I walked back to the main door and unlocked it, feeling a bit more secure now. I walked back to the showers and went to the one furthest on the end. I opened the door and walked in, closing and locking it behind me.

The room was just like a normal bathroom. A shower sat on the wall with a toilet, sink and mirror next to it. A body mirror sat on the door facing in. I undressed, slipping my mask and gloves off last before stepping into the cold water. I washed myself before stepping back out.

I dried myself off and passed the door to put my clothes on. As I did I caught a glimpse of myself. I only caught a few scars on my body before I turned my head and quickly dressed. My breath quick as I rushed to get my clothes on. I shoved my still wet hands into my gloves, struggling a bit. I quickly tied my hair back and hid it under my mask. Only when I was fully covered did I return to the mirror and adjust my clothes and mask.

I opened the door to leave when I heard some showers and people talking. I sucked in a breath hoping not to see any half naked or naked men. I walked out, confident in my walk, as I headed out. I passed a few soldiers who didn't have a shirt on while others were still taking off their nightwear. There heads turned as I walked by them, a few began to talking to each other and looked my way. I headed out the door and down the hall. I passed a few other soldiers on my way to my room.

I quickly opened my door and was met with an empty bed. Ghost was gone and so was his duffle bag. I let out a sigh of relief as I grabbed my duffle bag and guns before heading out myself towards the landing pad hoping I wasn't late.

As I walked up to the landing pad a larger chopper sat with the back door open. Price and Ghost stood waiting, duffle bags in hand. Price smoked a cigar blowing smoke into the air. The sun wasn't even up yet or planning on coming up yet and here we were. The three of us are waiting to leave.

"Siren." Price said as I approached. "Captain." I nodded. Ghost stood, staring me down as I stood by him. "Just waiting on Soap and Gaz now. They should be here soon." Price looked off towards the base. As Price waited, Ghost and I just stared into each other's eyes. This could be seen as weird but either of us were trying to figure the other out without speaking. "Finally," Price said, causing both Ghost and I to break eye contact. I turned to see Gaz and Soap quickly walking towards us.

"Don't worry we're here." Soap said. His voice was way too cheery for this early in the morning. I almost winced at it. "Load up, we've got a while." Price walked up the ramp and into the chopper. I waited as both Gaz and Soap walked up with him. Ghost and I both seemed to wait for the other to go but neither wanted to go first. So instead we walked side by side up the ramp. I found a seat in the corner and placed my bag under the seat.

The chopper started up with a word from Price and the door closed. The cabin is now eluminated with a red glow in the dark. Of course across from me sat Ghost. A jolt of the chopper lifting off caused me to face towards the front.

As the flight went on I felt my mind wander to Ghost. How he held himself, the mysteriousness of him. I couldn't help but feel almost drawn to him. I felt like we could connect on so many things. I had such a hard shell to me and I felt like he did too. Questions of why he wore that mask or just who he was crowded my mind. I kept my gaze either on the wall above Ghost or on the floor beneath me. Price had fallen asleep and Gaz was reading over the file. Soap talked to Ghost but he didn't seem to talk back. He listened and nodded along with a few things showing he was following.

I sat alone in the corner. I had been alone my whole life and even in the military so this wasn't any different. My body felt numb as I just let my mind wander. I had zoned out for a while letting myself mentally rest without actually sleeping. That was how I got through tough missions or long missions that required little to no sleep. I would let myself mentally rest.

Suddenly the speaker in the cabin went off. "Approaching position in four." The speaker was loud and choppy but clear enough to hear. Price jolted awake while Gaz placed the file back into his bag. I snapped out of my thoughts and looked over to Price.

"Alright boys," He said, then looked over at me, "And girls, get ready." He clapped his hands together. "We get off quickly, you all follow me. No questions asked." Price stood up and grabbed his bag. We all followed as he walked up the back door. The chopper jolted before the doors opened. Once they were fully open Price quickly did a half jog half walk out. All of us followed with Ghost being last. Price went up to a single jeep and got into the driver side.

We all walked through the tall grass to the jeep. Gaz got in the passenger with me being stuck between both Ghost and Soap. "Lucky me" I thought. There wasn't much space but just enough for our bags and guns to sit on the floor. The jeep started and skidded away into the thick woods ahead of us.

Once the jeep settled on the faded path I finally noticed how close I was to Ghost. My thigh pressed to his and us being shoulder to shoulder. I felt a strange hot feeling rise to my face. I brushed it off as being in a stuffy jeep with four men.

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