Chapter 2: Gods don't ask for permission

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The wind fanned my hair, foreshadowing change. I looked at the barely noticeable strip of land ahead and exhaled. I never liked the idea of ​​sailing a huge distance on a piece of wood without even one small island. Strange that I was interested in same idea, but in the air.

The sky was amazingly clear. Of course, finding a huge dragon isn't difficult, especially when you know where to look. But I don't want to do it in the rain.

There was still about five hours left before sunset, so I hope we get there before it gets dark. I've been on the ship long enough to stop reacting to smells, including my own. And would like to sleep in a normal bed, not to mention what I would give for wash up.

All the crews had to do was move my things to my new home, so soon I'll be all alone. Because even though my mother accepted my desires, she doesn't expect my return.

Based on this, I have a problem. I will be called a whore and a bastard anyway, but that's not the point. The biggest challenge is proving that I'm actually my mother's daughter. No one in my 'family' has any idea that I exist. And everyone who could know my mother and confirm my legitimacy is dead.

I pondered how best to proceed and settled on a raven. I'll notify the king of my presence and from what everyone say about my cousin, he won't be a problem. Coming to King's Landing on a dragonback can be regarded as an act of aggression, but this isn't to my advantage. And for the world of my life I won't enter the damn Red Keep without being sure that I can get out alive.


Me and the crew of mercenaries went ashore about half an hour ago and left my things near Dragonstone's castle. After it, they boarded the ship, sailing away. And I went in search of dragon caves, having hidden a backpack with money and part of the weapon in another place.

If they come back for my luggage before me, they will only find dresses, cheap jewelry and shoes. And a few nice leather suits that don't fit either of them.

The only thing I brought was a small blade, soap and a change of clothes. When I pointedly took blade out of the chest in front of the crew, someone began to giggle at me. Men so love look smart even when they're not.

Of course I understood that I couldn't defend myself with a blade from a dragon. It wasn't intended for dragon, but for people if some want to stop me. And the dragon which I will take will save me from attacks during washing.

I reached the cave, remembering my lessons of Valyrian. I have been studying this language for several years and have been quite successful in it. I hope this isn't the cave of the wild dragons because it's going to be the dumbest death possible. I lit the torch I was carrying and stepped inside.

This place was so vast, which is obvious considering it's inhabitants. I saw claw marks in stone and became more and more excited with every step. My heart was pounding, I could hear it in my ears.

I listened to every rustle in the cave, constantly looking around. There was something fascinating about it. The unknown beckoned me, opening its arms and I gladly fell towards it.

It is impossible to determine exactly how many dragons are currently on Dragonstone. But I know that my grandfather's dragon, and also my grandmother's dragon, is most likely here.

I could say that I didn't think about what kind of dragon I want, but it's not. The dead king didn't leave my mother anything as a legacy, but there is something for me. I went out into the expanding hall, hearing the scratching on the floor.

The light of my torch prevented me from seeing exactly who was in front of me. There were several illuminated meters of ground around me, on which I walked, and darkness. I lowered the torch and waited, looking around.

"I came for you" I said.

A slight gust of wind blew, throwing back my hair a little. But it's too warm for the wind in this place. And, wind in the cave? Looks like I found what I was looking for.

In the next second there was a loud roar and the cave was lit up by a column of flame directed upwards. I raised my head. I looked at the fire that huge dragon released from its mouth and felt greatness.

It went through my whole body, lodged in my bones. I felt the weight of the name of God and felt its privileges. As if before that I only walked on the edge of a small knife of madness, and now I stepped on the sword.

He stops spewing fire and brings his face closer to me. Now I can see him. He has bronze scales that shimmers like liquid metal in the light of fire. His teeth are so big that if someone stabbed me with a sword of the same length, it would go right through.

I look into bright amber eye, seeing my reflection in them. Suddently, he growled at me, opening his mouth and I saw fire approaching his throat. It was beautiful enough to make me stare.

I looked straight at dragon, feeling that he was alone too. And I could give him the hope that I needed.

"How do you feel about flying together, Vermithor?" I smiled him.

He stopped preparing for my burning, the fire in his throat died out and dragon stared back at me.

We stood in silence for another minute. I heard so many things in this silence. His breath and sounds of the sea that followed me while I was on Dragonstone. That sound was the sound of approaching victory.

His gaze studied me. I just looked at my biggest dream and smiled. Vermithor made a long guttural sound, turning its head and slightly moving forward. I took it as consent.

Dragon turned sideways and lowered himself on his stomach so that I could climb. Strangely, he didn't have a saddle on him. I carefully approached his leg, starting to crawl up him.

When I got to the place where wings began at his head, he moved. I grabbed onto the spikes at his neck with all my might as he quickly carried us on the way back. My eyes stopped seeing for a moment due to a sharp flash of light and I felt a sharp jolt. I snuggled closer to the body of dragon, internally rejoicing.

After a few seconds, I felt that the world became more stable.

I didn't even notice when I closed my eyes, so I opened them. The scales in front of me looked even better in the sunset light. I quickly blinked several times, looking up.

We flew. My beautiful legendary fucking dragon and I.

I looked at the sky around us, at the sea reaching the horizon and wanted to scream with happiness. The clouds were closer than I ever imagined. The sunset sky around was bright orange like fire. I smiled even more looking at the world from a new perspective.

Fuck the past life. Fuck the rules. Fuck all those people who deprived me of this from birth.

I'm ready to do anything for this feeling.

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