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I felt uneasy and dissy.I heard whispers and laughter i heard..teens? My age probably.
When I tried to listen for something familiar I heard a door close. Then suddenly it got cold. I felt someone grab my hands "what are you doing?!". "Stay still and nothing will happen, trust me " . " TRUST?  WHO CAN I TRUST WHEN MY FAMILY HAVE DIED AND I GOT KIDNAPPED HUH? I yell . "When then , apologies for their passing Lilith but that isn't important right now " he says while chaining me to a .. bed? "Not IMPORTANT ?!" "MY MOTHER HAS DIED DONT YOU UNDERSTAND THAT?" "Well yes,it's a shame that your mother has passed, anyway he takes the beg off my head, my eyes dilating ,"to the importance of your visit, where is Alen? Huh and don't you dare lie to me Lilith ". I look at him in disbelief "First of all how do you all know my name second why would i know where my sad excuse of a father be?!" . " Sad excuse?
You're a hater?" . I roll my eyes, "of course,I hate him". He laughs " You my dear will be of good use to me " he says touching my shoulder. The door opens "Sir you are needed they are attacking again"
I see someone familiar 35 maybe? I was about to ask something when a bomb went off. " ALL GROUPS GATHER TO MAIN NOW !" " 35 TAKE HER TO THE GUARDED TRUCK NOW " 35 (i guess that's his name) unchained me ." DOnt even try to escape you will die otherwise". I looked at his covered face and nodded." Get out of that room and go through that hole in the gate. I'll meet you there" . I run as I hear explosions and gunshots . I go through the hole ,"where am i? Why do they need me?" . I looked down and saw dead bodies everywhere and started panicking even more. " LILITH, GET OVER HERE AND GET IN "  he shouted . As i got in the truck something exploded behind us , fire everywhere '' Lilith here" 35 said giving me a gun " A gun?" Wtf am i gonna do with this i have one hand to use -'' i looked at him confused and he turned to me and pointed the gun at me , "DUCK DOWN " as soon as i did that he shot at someone . I get up and look behind me . I see.. my father??.
(Y'all I can't with today )🧍‍♀️

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