¢нααρтєя 3||Family Meeting||Angst

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Gemini's POV:When I Answer The Phone I Heard My Mother Voice I Could Tell That J'Ajima Was Shocked Bc She Drop Her Spoon...So Listen What My Mom Had To Say..

Mrs.T;Where Ajima?


Mrs.R:With Who?

Gem:Your Boyfriend And Me...

Mrs.T;Put Her On The Phone

Gem;J'Ajima Mom Wants You*Hands Phone To Ajima*


Mrs.T:Ajima...We're Going To Have a Family Meeting Tomorrow With You, Fourth & G-Gem...

A:Just Say Gemini Mom! it's Not That Hard!

Mrs.T;Fine I Want You, Fourth & Gemini To Get For Tomorrow!! Bye!*Hang Ups*

A:*Slams Phone On The Table And Gets a Deep breath*...Fourth It's Time..


Gem:J'Ajima What's Wrong?

A:Family Meeting...

Gem:....About What?

A:I don't Know But They're Be Here Tomorrow So Gemini Don't Let See Your Love Marks...

Gem:*Nods And Grabs Fourth*!!


Ajima's POV;
I didn't Think That One Day Me And Fourth Will Be Couple Again...Besides Gemi Just Come Back For U.S So That's Probably a other Reason...

Gem:Where Does J'Ajima Keeps Her Makeup?

F:Second Drawer

Gem:*Puts Makeup On His Neck*

F:You See How Jima Holding Up..

Gem;Does My Parents Want You And J'Ajima To Be Together That Bad?

F:You Have No Idea...When We Started Dating..Your Parents Wanted a Grandchild So Bad But Me And Ajima Wasn't Ready For A Child...

Gem:Damn..I Knew My Parents Was Toxic But Not That Toxic...

F:So We Tried But No luck...Last Night We Did It Again And It's Turns Out We Made Your Parents Happy...

Gem:Don't Tell Me..

F:Chai...Ajima Is Pregnant With My Child...

Gem:But Her Belly Is Small?

F;I Know...I'm Only 18 I'm Not Ready To Be a Father Or Ajima...

Gem:*Walks Over Fourth And Sits On Bed*So What Your Going To Do?

F:I Was To Put The Baby Up For Adoption But Ajima Wanted To Rise It As Her Own...


F:So I Told Her She Could Rise It As Long She's Didn't The Baby That's I'm Their Father..

Gem:*Hugs Fourth*..

F:*Puts His Head On Gemini's Chest*....

Gem:So They Forced You Guys..


Gem:If I Ever Got a Girl Pregnant...I Would Probably Be Scared As Well..

F:Your Lucky...


F;I Mean If You Was a Girl You Be Pregnant Already...

Gem:True But I'm Not I Know Some Guys Have Both Body Part Of a Male And Female.


Gem:Yeah a Male Having Both Body Parts Of S Male And a Female Is Very Rare

F:Like Who?

My Sister's Boyfriend||Fourth Fallen Angel AU||FinishedWhere stories live. Discover now