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Understand - Keshi1:35 ───ㅇ───── -0:56⇄ ◃◃ ⅠⅠ ▹▹ ↻3rd person

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Understand - Keshi
1:35 ───ㅇ───── -0:56
⇄ ◃◃ ⅠⅠ ▹▹ ↻
3rd person

"Hey, Nagi" Y/n said almost bluntly. "Was there something you needed to cover up from yesterday?" Nagi asked curiously as he went to hold onto Y/n's hands.

Her hands had a cold feel into which didn't bother him. "Yeah, actually..." Y/n started speaking as she retreated her hands from Nagi's grasp.

Nagi looked down at his hands then back to Y/n. Still keeping that gaze.

"I like you, Nagi." Y/n muttered, but Nagi heard it clearly. His eyes widen slightly from hearing this.

"I've liked you ever since our first year here, together." Y/n Continued as there was a slight blush on her face.

"But...Knowing you like Chika. I just wanted to let this out." Y/n sighed on the mention of her sister's name.

"I wanted to be more with you. I love you, Nagi." Y/n finalized her words when her gaze was fixed onto Nagi's expression.

"I...I don't know what to say." Nagi said slowly into a way to try not hurt Y/n.

"You can save it." Y/n covered Nagi's thoughts. "I just want to know how and why is Chika so much better than me..?" Y/n asked softly with a small frown.

Nagi stayed silent, standing there just clutching his fists together.

Y/n also stayed silent as the atmosphere made it awkward from the question.

"Was our friendship worth all of this?" Y/n started talking again. Her throat throbbed as she said so.

Nagi proceeded to gulp as he looked somewhere, without making eye contact with Y/n.

Y/n felt way too delusional and heart broken with Nagi's reaction.

"Whatever..." Nagi muttered which caught Y/n's annoyance.

Y/n's expression turned ticked off. "What?" Y/n asked almost demanding.

"Whatever it was, it was pointless." Nagi said bluntly with black swirls into his eyes. He had this poker expression as he finally looked at Y/n.

"Fuck you, Nagi." Y/n grunted as she stepped back slightly. "Fuck you, NAGI!" She yelled from built up anger.

Y/n slapped Nagi quite hard on his left cheek. He let out a little grunt as his left hand went to touch his stinging cheek.

"You're such an asshole to someone who actually cared about you! So I hope you have a better fucking life then! Without me Nagi!" Y/n yelled once again as she kicked Nagi's stomach, making him move back as she ran away.

Y/n ran fast. Ran fast to her way home and she immediately isolated herself in her room.

She resulted herself into huddling in a corner of her room as she thought about what to do next in life.

Her next plan was just absolute chaos. But what else would she want to do after wasting her time on someone she loved just for them to reject her.

 But what else would she want to do after wasting her time on someone she loved just for them to reject her

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492 : Words

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