How it all started....

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*karens point of view

Sydney and Carmens' friendship grew more and more each day.
Sydney never thought she would end up working for a famous chef. She knew him before he knew her. The first moment they had met, he was impressed with her. He was amazed at how well she did.
He knew he had to keep her on as his other chef. Uncle richie at first took a while to get use to having sydney around, but then they became close.
Richie is Uncle Mike's best friend.
Dad always calls him "cousin," even thou they were never related.
Uncle Mike had left dad the restaurant, he took off and no one has heard from him since.
Aunt Natalie is dad's sister and project manager. Uncle pete is her husband, and their son is called Fred.

Mum and dads staff in the kitchen
There was Tina the line cook, Marcus, and other people i didn't know.
Dads best friend Fak was a handyman, so he would help out when things needed fixing around the place.

*One year later....
Mum and dad are married
Then they had me and my twin brother smauel.

* A couple of years went by, and they had more kids, Oliver and gordon. Finally, there was Sandy, the baby of the household, who would always get the most attention.
We even got a dog 🐩 after she came a, ong and we called her coco.

*present day
"Dinners ready, sweetie. Hurry up before it gets cold. "
Sydney called from downstairs.

"Just a minute, I'll come..."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 27, 2023 ⏰

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