Chapter 2

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Diner above! I imagine the diner looking like that but I imagine it in the colors of red and white instead of pink and blue hahaha just use your imagination to change the colors ;)

Anyways here's chapter 2 I hope you vote and send me feedbacks :)

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I was on my way to the Diner again and I was so excited because I'd get to see that gorgeous, mysterious looking guy from yesterday and I made sure I was hungry when I came here so I'd be able to enjoy the food.

As I entered the diner, the bell rang making the employees and other customers turn.

Seeing the stool I sat on yesterday empty, I quickly took a seat and greeted a confused looking Lotty good morning.

She probably finds you weird for grinning so much.

"Good Morning too, Elle, what would you be having today?" She asks as she fried some of the eggs on the stove.

"I'll have, waffles with a bowl of strawberries and hot chocolate." I said, still grinning.

She raises an eyebrow at me but nods anyway and lets whoever was in the other kitchen know of my order.

I'm assuming that's where they do the baking and the mixing because everything that's behind this counter would just involve frying.

As I was waiting for my food, and the guy, I felt really excited because he was so cute when he smiled and whenever he teased me for something I did unconciously. I made sure I scrubbed well today and used my strawberries and vanilla bath wash so when he sits beside me, I'd entice him with my sweet sweet smell.

God, you're like one of those teenage high school girls who's doing their best to get the attention of their crush. My subconcious says as she rolled her eyes at me.

Ignoring my very annoying subconcious, even though she is right, I smiled at Lotty when she served the plate with two pieces of waffles and a bowl of strawberries in front of me.

"Enjoy, Elle." She smiles at me and went back to what she was doing.

I decided to eat slowly so that I wouldn't have to feel bad for waiting on this stool when I'm done eating, then, I would have a reason to stay and wait for him.

Thirty minutes have passed and I have only touched 1/4 of my food and it wasn't easy trying to slow down eating because this was so good and I was really starving.

Forty five minutes and I ate the half of the waffle. One and a half piece to go.

I decided to stop eating my waffle for a while and eat a few of my strawberries.

What was taking that guy so long? Wasn't this the time he was in here yesterday?

Every time the bell rings, I keep turning around hoping it was him, but sadly, those who entered were far from him.

Some were just scruffy scary looking men who'd wink at me whenever I turn to look.

An hour and a half later, I was done with my bowl of strawberries and piece of waffle. Lotty was giving me odd stares which didn't bother me though, because if I was her I'd definitely give me odd stares for purposely eating slowly and looking down when just a while ago, I was grinning like a maniac.

When the clock struck 11, I decided I had enough waiting. I quickly finished my waffle and then finished my hot chocolate, which wasn't hot anymore because it took me long before I touched it.

"Finally done after two hours, dear?" Lotty asks, amusement visible in her eyes.

I smiled tightly and nodded, "Yeah, I guess I'm just really that slow."

"Non sense. I assumed you were waiting for someone." She asked with a wink.

My eyes widened and I felt my cheeks heat up, was I that obvious?

I started stuttering but damn, I couldn't form a word. She chuckles and puts a hand on top of mine, the same way our old housekeeper would do when she tried to calm me down.

"Dear, have you been waiting for Luke?"

"Luke?" I asked, tilting my head to one side.

"Yes, the boy beside you yesterday." She smiles.

I scoffed then replied, "Boy, more like a gorgeous hunk." I gasped as I realized what I had just said. I was probably blushing like a tomato now and I was glad Lotty wasn't laughing at me.

She grins then said, "Your secret's safe with me. He is a very charming and good looking young man, it's hard not to have a crush on him." She winks at me one more time and takes my plate and mug along with the bowl and brings it to the other kitchen.

I waited for her to get back, wanting to ask more questions and of course, I had to pay for what I just ate.

"So does he go here everyday?"

"No dearie, he comes here only on Tuesdays and Sundays. Sometimes he'd come here on Saturdays and Thursdays when he's not busy."

Damn. It was only Wednesday.

"I see. I hope I'm not coming out as a stalker then." I giggled nervously but she just smiled at me as she shooked her head.

I didn't know what to say anymore so I handed her the money, but then I remembered it was the last of what I had. I mean I had a few more but after I spend those I'd have nothing.

I can't use my money in my ATM either because my father would be able to track me down.

Swallowing my pride, I asked Lotty, "Do you still have that job opening you offered yesterday?"

"Why yes, would you like to take it?"

I nodded, "Yes, but I have a problem."

Oh my God, the most embarrassing thing I would have to say.

"I don't know how to cook..." I bit my lip then looked up at her. Her eyes widened and she starts laughing making my cheeks turn red.

Damn it, I should've at least learned the basics.

"That's alright dear, tomorrow you come back and auntie Lotty will teach you the basics alright?"

I nodded, "Alright then, thank you so much." My job right now might not be as grand as my old job but at least I have something to keep me alive until the stupid arranged marriage proposal is cancelled.

The pros about having this job though is 1) I'll get to see him; 2) I'll have money to keep me going everyday.

That's basically it but at least I knew what the pros were, oh oh, and there was going to be free food... I hope.

I went home after having a quick chat with Lotty. She told me I start tomorrow morning.

And tomorrow's a Thursday! Which means there's a 50% chance he'll be there, I hope.

When I got back to my place, I quickly googled "How to cook" and decided to try cooking an egg but I quickly stopped when I turned the stove on and forgot to add the pan making the flames go wild, I mean, you get what I'm trying to say right?

So the whole day I just watched different cooking shows and tried stalking Luke on facebook but I was never able to find him. Oh well.

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