.~* 1 *~. Sophie's POV

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       A/N This is my first book, so sorry if it's not my best but yeah. Please keep the comments kind, but constructive criticism is welcome. Anyways, this is basically if they got a little break before all the chaos ensued in Stellarlune and if our beloved kiss never happened. Idk I wanted some fluff. 😁 Hope you enjoy! 

Oh and thank you so much to KotLC183 for being the first person to vote on my story! I really appreciate it! 😁💕

Sophie woke up under Calla's tree, snuggled into a nest of pillows that Edaline conjured up las5 night. It was peaceful, a slight breeze and the subtle smell of the ocean waves lapping against the cliff, where the sun was still rising, setting Heavenfield in a beautiful rose gold light.

Keefe would love to paint this. Speaking of Keefe... he was laying right beside her, asleep. She started, what was he doing here?! She scrambled to sit up, her heartbeat racing. At the sudden movement, Keefe stirred, stretching his lean but muscular arms out and yawning.

"Morning Foster, how'd y'a sleep?" Snapped out of her daze, she responded, blushing "Um. Well. I. Uh. I slept good. Yeah. Um. What are you doing here?" He gave his signature smirk, sitting up, leaning his back against Cala's tree. They looked out to the water, the peace returned for a few seconds then Keefe took a deep breath and spilled.

"I came to check up on you, to uh ask you... know what never mind. Basically when Edaline said that you were sleeping at Cala's tree I got worried so... one thing led to another and I may have possibly fallen asleep." He bowed his head down, ruffling his hair. Was that a blush? Sophie giggled, it was kind of fun seeing him so flustered. Keefe looked up, his smirk returning.

"Was that a giggle coming from the mysterious miss F?" Sophie smiled, she hadn't felt so... worry free in so long. It was nice. With a little surge of bravery, she let her head fall on Keefe's shoulder, scooting closer to snuggle up to him. He froze, making her worry. Did he not like her? Who was she kidding of course he didn't and she didn't like him that way either. What was she doing? Then, he did something unexpected, he rested his head on top of hers, wrapping his arm around her, slightly tugging on her waist, bringing her ever so closer.

"Should I just brush past that surge of nerves that I just got or should we talk about it? We're supposed to be on a break, you know." Sophie blushed but didn't remove her head from where it lay on Keefe's shoulder. "It was nothing." She lied, of course it was something. She liked Fitz. Her crush was Fitz. So what was she doing snuggling up with Keefe?

"You know, you're not helping your case. And I feel as if you should know this already but I know when you're lying and you just did." He started to pull away so that he could turn to face her but she refused, pulling him impossibly closer.

"Is the Great Foster Oblivion actually ending?" He teased, smirking. Ugh now he's going on about the "great Foster oblivion" yeah right like that's a thing.

"No. I don't know what you're talking about." Yes, yes she knew what he was talking about, but he couldn't know that. No one could. Just then, Edaline yelled from the house, letting them know breakfast was ready. Keefe stood up, Sophie following soon after.

"I should really go Foster. Daddy Dearest will... know what? Take that back. Ro will be wondering where I am." He turned away, to head down to leap away, but Sophie grabbed his arm. "Keefe wait." What was she doing? He stopped, turning around. They stayed like that for a few seconds, looking into each other's eyes. His were impossibly blue, a shade that somehow combined both the sky and the clouds in one. An icy shade that conveyed so much warmth that she just wanted to get lost in.

"Yes?" He asked, breaking the silence. She rose up on her tiptoes, planting a quick kiss on his cheek. She was saved from any humiliation by Edaline calling once again for Sophie to come to breakfast. "Oh uh sorry I should probably go..." she quickly murmured before racing towards the house.

A/N I know a lot of you never read the note, but I'll try anyways. Thank you for reading the chapter! I hope you enjoyed it. Sorry it was short but I think it's a good place to switch to Keefe's pov. 

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