Chapter 10: The Dual Nature

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Chapter 10: The Dual Nature

The atmosphere within the palace had been joyous and filled with laughter, but little did the women know that they were about to witness a side of Emperor Eren they had never seen before.

It was a day like any other, and the girls had gathered in the palace courtyard to spend time with Eren.

As they chatted and laughed, a messenger arrived with news of a neighboring kingdom's uprising.

Eren's expression darkened as he read the report.

"Emperor Eren, what's wrong?" Mikasa asked, concern evident in her voice.

"There's trouble in the neighboring kingdom.
They have launched a rebellion against the empire," Eren replied, his tone serious.

His response caught the attention of the other girls, and they listened intently as Eren discussed his plan to quell the uprising.

His words were laced with a cold determination, and he spoke of taking ruthless measures to ensure the empire's safety.

Annie narrowed her eyes, feeling conflicted.

"Isn't there any other way to handle this, Emperor Eren? Must we resort to violence?" she asked.

Eren's gaze hardened, and for a moment, the girls saw a glimpse of the cruel and pragmatic side of him.

"Sometimes, violence is necessary to protect the ones we love," he said, his voice tinged with a hint of bitterness.

Pieck, who had always admired Eren's leadership, found herself questioning his duality.

"But you're also kind and compassionate," she said. "How can you reconcile these two sides of yourself?"

Eren's eyes darkened, and the weight of his internal struggles became apparent.

"I have to make difficult decisions for the greater good, even if it means being cruel to those I see as enemies,"

he said, his voice filled with self-loathing and pain stemming from awareness... Of his own contraindications.

As the days went on, the girls witnessed more instances of Eren's dual nature.

He would show kindness and compassion to those he cared about, but he would also take ruthless actions against those he perceived as threats.

The contradictions were difficult for them to grasp, and they couldn't help but question who the "real Eren" was.

One evening, the girls were in the palace library, discussing the events they had witnessed. "I don't understand," Historia said, her brow furrowed.

"How can someone be so kind and yet so cruel at the same time?"

Mikasa, who had known Eren for the longest, sighed.

"I've known Eren since we were children, and he's always been this way," she said.

"He carries the weight of the world on his shoulders, and it's shaped him into the person he is now."

Annie nodded, her expression thoughtful.

"It's as if he's trying to protect himself from getting hurt by shutting off his emotions," she mused.

Hange chimed in, "He's a complex individual with deep-rooted self-hatred.

It's no wonder he struggles to reconcile his dual nature."

As the girls talked, they realized that Eren's actions were not black and white.

He carried the burden of his past and the responsibility of ruling an empire, and it had shaped him into a person who walked a fine line between kindness and cruelty.

In the days that followed, the girls found themselves drawn to Eren's vulnerability.

They saw the pain in his eyes, the weight of his choices, and they couldn't help but empathize with him.

They began to understand that the real Eren was a complex individual with both light and darkness within him.

One evening, Eren found himself alone with Mikasa, who had been by his side since childhood.

As they walked through the palace gardens, Mikasa mustered the courage to ask the question that had been haunting her.

"Eren, who are you really?" she asked, her voice gentle.

He stopped and turned to her, his eyes filled with sorrow.

"I'm just a broken person trying to do what's best for everyone," he replied.

Mikasa reached out and held his hand, her heart aching for the pain he carried.

"You don't have to bear this burden alone, Eren. We're here for you," she said.

In that moment, Eren felt a sense of relief wash over him.

He realized that he didn't have to hide his vulnerabilities from those he cared about.

They had seen both sides of him, and they still stood by his side.

Little did he know that this revelation would mark the beginning of a new chapter in his journey of love, where his true self would be accepted and embraced by the women who had fallen for him.

(Note: This is the tenth chapter of the fanfiction, "Hearts United: Eren's Journey of Love." The chapter explores the women's perspectives as they witness Eren's dual nature and question who the real Eren is. The subsequent chapters will delve into the resolution of their conflicts and the evolution of their relationships with Eren.)

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