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Me: Ok, so I've brought y'all here to react to some stuff, ok?

Magnus: who are you?

Me: that's not important.

Alex: ... Uh so what are we reacting to?

TJ: and are you dead or...?

Me: nah, I'm alive. And I'm human.

Magnus:... As long as you're not going to hurt us-

Me: I won't

Alex: ok but just an fyi I'm good at cutting heads off

Me: noted. Here's what you are going to react to first:

 Here's what you are going to react to first:

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TJ: I don't get paid enough for this

Alex: you get paid?

TJ: no.

Magnus: you didn't again the question though, who would you save?

TJ: I'm not answering that, for fear of my head getting loped off.

Me: ok that's all the reacting for today

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