6 - The Bond

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It was torture for Laip'xi, having to avoid Tsu'tey. But she wasn't sure if he would see her past memories, and how he would react if he did. However, no matter how much she thought about it, she couldn't find a solution. She couldn't erase her memories and she couldn't avoid him forever. Every day that Laip'xi spent keeping her distance hurt them both. She was following him secretly, still wanting to be with him despite everything. Tsu'tey was aware she was stalking him, she wasn't very good at hiding from him from the amount of time they had spent together. He was able to spot her immediately in the bushes and trees. Although it did disappoint him, there was nothing he could do about it if she rejected their bond.

Tsu'tey sighed while putting down his bow. He had just returned from a hunt with his friends and was lost in thoughts. Just like Laip'xi, he was also thinking about how to repair the broken relationship they currently had. He could see how much the beast regretted the rejection, yet she still kept her distance. Perhaps it was his reaction to it, but the rejection hit him hard, and he couldn't hide it at the time. He was normally good at being expressionless, however, not the one time it mattered. He laid down in his pod, putting the back of his palm on his forehead, wondering why...

What was the reason she rejected it? Were they not close enough? Was he not good enough? Not strong enough? Did she like Neytiri more? What if she wanted to bond with her instead?

Questions without answers kept swirling around in his mind, making him more exhausted than the hunt. In the end, he decided to rest and try to figure it out later. He was tired. He had almost forgotten how difficult hunting was. Laip'xi made it so much easier for them since she decided to help them even before being accepted into the clan. But now that she was keeping her distance, they had to go back to their old ways for a bit. At least until he can fix the mess.

In the meantime, Laip'xi was getting angry at herself and her indecisiveness. It's been a few weeks since she hurt Tsu'tey in one of the worst ways possible. Bonding was of great importance to Na'vi and Pandora, and she let her past human self get the best of her. 

But not anymore.

She was ready to truly embrace Eywa and Pandora and would make the bond with Tsu'tey, facing the fear and bearing the consequences of opening her heart and mind to Tsu'tey. Because he was ready to share and open his, she is willing to do the same now. 

More than ever before.

Laip'xi jumped down from her den, ignoring the branches on the way, plummeting straight to the ground. Her body hit the ground with much force and it gave her strength. She inhaled deeply, catching Tsu'tey's scent. The na'vi she walked past watched the majestic beast, unable to blink. Her breathing was loud, mixed with low growls, showing off her size and power. Her red eyes were burning like fire as the sun set. Soon, she reached Tsu'tey's pod and her weight on the branch woke him up.

Surprised, to say the least, the boy slowly opened his pod, his eyes never leaving Lap'xi's. His breath hitched when he was face to face with her. The resolution was radiating off of her and Tsu'tey felt like they had just made the bond. He could see her...Truly see her now. Laip'xi wiggled her antennae, breaking his trance. He got up onto her back and they jumped down to the ground below the Home tree. Tsu'tey impatiently jumped off early, tripped and almost fell as he ran to get his saddle from inside. A few onlookers chuckled, never seeing Tsu'tey do something so clumsy. The boy came back breathless, holding the heavy leather saddle, adorned with feathers and colourful beads. The colour of the saddle was different as well. Tsu'tey had washed the leather with ink, permanently staining it black. It suited Laip'xi more this way.

The boy took a second to collect and calm his breathing after securing the saddle on her back, strapping it on both sides and her tail. Once again he looked into her eyes, afraid that her decision to bond was only just his mind playing tricks on him. However, Laip'xi's blood-red glowing eyes gave him the answer he wanted...needed.

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