Betrayal love 2❤️

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??: Tae tae ....wake up.....tae tae...


Tae jolted on his bed while looked at surroundings.....

It's the same decoration,no flowers,no candles....

Lifeless room ...

Main maid sujan waked him up and smiled at him... Tae whinned at his pity life...

Without his husband's it's really a lifeless room to tae.....

It's his daily dream , every day his desires and feelings haunted him to fuck his husband on his own dreams it's his own imagination which is not truth .. unlucky tae

It's been one year still tae was a fresh flower not touched by his honey husband...

(On that night jungkook was all passed out, he didn't even have a glance at his wife.. on the another hand tae was waiting for his husband with mixed feelings.. but he is faraway from his thoughts .. poor tae)

It's 7am ...

Tae did Puja(praying) . it performed daily in the mansion jungkook never know about it... He came late nights  to the mansion and left early morning hangouts to his friends to partying..

It's been a year this is the same day ...
Tae tied with his husband ..
Husband who never give his love to care in their bond ... on the other side tae was craving for his husband's love he never give up in his relationship... He tried his best to win his husband Heart'..
But that dickk jungkook never have any attention on his beautiful wife..

Present day..

❤️one year anniversary taekook❤️


Tae hyung

As always i went to jungkook room to check my husband for breakfast..
Today God heard my voice. Jungkook was sleeping peacefully in his bed like a baby...

Such a cute husband I have...
Why you are so stubborn hubby?

Jungkook whimpering in sleep when tae entered in his room...

I smiled at my husband..

I called jungkook but he is not ready to get off from his beauty sleep..

I went to near his heights and tapped his shoulders with lot of inside burning difficulty

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I went to near his heights and tapped his shoulders with lot of inside burning difficulty....

Jungkook pulled  my hand into him..

I was utterly in shocked my fragile frame landed on his front rockhard chest....

Our faces are so close to eachother..

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