(Translation) 4: School Days

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In a fairly large department, a culinary battle like no other was going on. Kiana, with a beaming smile, found herself having the best day of her life from her from her. The table was filled with endlessly delicious dishes, and she devoured each one with an insatiable appetite. The scene was almost surreal, it seemed as if her hunger for her de ella was inextinguishable.

Jaune, her roommate and professional cook , enjoyed watching Kiana enjoy her creations. Every time she put a new dish on the table, the delicious aroma spread through the place, causing Kiana to catch it in the blink of an eye. Her challenge was to prepare the food as quickly as possible before she devoured it.

The challenge only increased the determination of Kiana, who had set out to push her appetite to the limit. Jaune, however, would not give up so easily. With a mixture of amusement and wonder, he would retreat to the kitchen to prepare the "heavy weapons" in the form of delicious new dishes.

The competition continued, and Kiana kept adding course after course to her eating streak. Her appetite for her was so amazing that Jaune wondered how he hadn't heard of her at eating competitions. He was convinced that if she was found out, she would win hands down.

Finally, after what seemed like hours of gastronomic wrestling, Kiana's stomach showed signs of giving up. The impossible-to-kill beast had been conquered, and Kiana sat back in her chair contentedly, smiling triumphantly.

Jaune, for his part, felt exhausted, remembering his days of cooking for his numerous sisters. But he was also happy to have accomplished a culinary feat with Kiana.

After dinner, they both said goodbye, and Kiana retired to her room in the apartment they shared. Meanwhile, Jaune headed to the balcony for a well-deserved moment of relaxation. She pulled out a bottle of Blue Label whiskey and a box of cigars, and though he could feel the worry in the back of her mind of her, he decided to put it aside for now. After all, he believed in the power of Aura, that mystical force that, according to some, could protect him from excesses.

With a weary but happy smile on her face, Jaune gazed out into the night as she allowed herself a little moment of indulgence, knowing that tomorrow they would have new adventures and challenges to face together in their peculiar apartment.

They had decided to share the rent of the apartment due to...lack of money....


Winter soon gave way to spring.

The cold gave way to heat.

The withered green soon turned into vibrant flora, where the fields were covered in a profusion of brilliantly colored flowers, and the fresh scent of spring filled the air.

The beginning of a new beginning.

And with it, the beginning of Chiba Academy's spring semester.


Although after taking a few steps on the academy grounds, step one was not going to be a problem to complete. The path was lined with stately trees that swayed gently in the spring breeze, creating an idyllic setting for students heading back to class.

However, the later steps were a pain in the ass to try to complete. The bustle of the crowd of students was overwhelming, as if the entire academy had converged on the same place. Laughter, chatter, and murmurs filled the air, and it seemed like everyone was eager to share the latest gossip and rumors circulating in the halls.

Unfortunately, Ren found himself in the middle of all that ruckus, surrounded by what seemed to be all the students attending Chiba Academy. A sea of ​​bodies seemed to be clustered around a single point where two lone students were at its epicenter.

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