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You're on the couch sitting in the dark living room, drinking wine while watching the office. You've been waiting for Tommy to come home when you look at the clock it says 10:36. You hear your phone ring with Thomas's designated ringtone. You unravel the blanket and search unable to find it near you, you get up and stumble to the kitchen. You find it on the counter and pick it up and say " HeY bAbY, I mIsS yOuOu"
His sighs, "Are you drunk?"you roll your eyes "No.... What's it to ya anyhow" He sighs loudly and says "You already know how I feel about you drinking when I am not home. ESPECIALLY when I am not there!" You roll your eyes again and reply "Oh my God Thomas it's not that big of a deal. It's just a little buzz!" You can feel his anger through the phone and in a deeper voice he says "I want you kneeling by the door when I get home. I'm on my way now" and then he hangs up. You set your phone down and shake. You go to the door, dropped to your knees and bite your nails. You sit there for about 10 minutes, then you hear his motorcycle rumble into the garage and come to a stop. Your breath hitches, because in all honesty Thomas scares the s*** out of you. The key is jingle by the door you kneel their chest rising and falling with unsteady breaths. And then the door opens and you don't dare look up your heart racing you look down at his shoes. Suddenly you feel his hand wrap around your face he forces you to look at him. He looks down at you with emotionless eyes and says "what the fuck were you thinking disobeying my rules and then talking to me like that." You don't know what to say so you stutter out "I... i'm I'm sorry Thomas I was buzzed and.." he cuts you off "exactly. THAT'S THE PROBLEM, GET UP!" You quickly get up and he grabs your wrists holding them behind your back. He takes you to the counter bending you over it. He pulls down your shorts letting go of your hands and his hand instantly lands on your right ass cheek as you scream. His hand covers your mouth and he growls "You better keep yourself quiet. Because you got yourself into this predicament"he pulls his hand back and hits again and soon your ass just begins to feel numb. He brings his hips closer pressing against you you feel his hard dick through his pants pressing against your ass. His hand meets your ass again. He then pulls his pants down and pushes his dick in between your thighs and pulls away picks up his pants and pulls you away from the counter by her hair and pushes you in the opposite direction and says "Bedroom" you walk to the bedroom feeling him loom behind you. You get in the bedroom and turn around and look at him, you're standing at the edge of the bed trying not to make eye contact his hand trails up your body to your neck and tightens and then he pushes you hard against the bed your legs hanging off the end. He keeps his hand on your throat, he reaches for the drawer and pulls a condom out. After he puts it on and he pulls your thighs around himself and then he puts himself inside you and you moan quietly. He begins thrusting hard giving you no buildup. So you scream his name he rising in your face he puts his hand over your mouth and you look up at him and he groans f*** to himself and the rest harder and faster. You moan into his hand biting slightly as he hits a deep spot inside you over and over again, hard. He wraps the other hand around your thigh he bites his lip. He brings his lips down to your ears and in a deep voice says with his thick accent " How do you like disobeying me now, fucking brat. What's my name" he moves his hand and you scream feeling him push hard inside of you "Thomas. Pl..please go slower" he's says "That's not what i wanna hear, say it slut" he hardly slows as you moan "Daddy" the temperature rising in your face and in your core you wrap your legs around him tight. He groans and continues thrusting and then says "I feel you getting wetter I know you want to, go ahead and say it" you just moan and he then puts his hand around your throat and yells " I KNOW YOU WANT TO SAY IT SLUT" you listen to him this time and scream out "I THINK I'M..." You pause to moan before letting out a long drawn exasperated moan "I'm cumming" he says "Good Girl, but hold on I'm not done just yet" you suddenly feel a surge of pleasure you're being overstimulated as he thrusts repeatedly into you you wiggle and writhe from the pleasure. You try to fight even though you know you want it. He grabs both your hands putting them above your head thrusting in three more times,hard. Those three thrusts lasting the feeling inside of you even after he collapses on top of you. He gets up and throws away his condom and then lays beside you and says "are you going to listen to me, from now on?" He then picks you up and holds you put putting the covers over you laying next to you. You answer with a defiant maybe he says " I hope so Now let's get some sleep" he then gets up to shut off the light before laying down next to you again wrapping his arms around you. You feel comforted in his touch even after all the things he just did. You feel his chest rise and fall slowly comforting You to breathe the same and slow steady breaths before falling asleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 27, 2023 ⏰

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